
Drudge couldn’t even get 100% of his readers to convince themselves Trump won the debate? Sad!

Can’t pay attention for 90 minutes.
But listen to me, I’m the serious one with the smart opinions, guys

There was no doubt Clinton would come prepared. It’s like she’s running for one of the most important positions in the nation if not the world as President of the United States. You’d have to be a completely inexcusable moron with tiny hands to do bad in these debates.

I loooooooove the suggestion that one guy makes about Lester Holt sending Hillary the questions. She was so prepared that she had to have been given them, right? No way she could actually be that studious, that polished, that prepared.

It’s almost like online polls aren’t worth the paper they aren’t printed on.

What does sad goose stepping look like?

You...you killed him?

Note 7: operating system: TouchGarbage that lags in updates

Quit fucking around and just say “I think black people are inherently criminals” you fucking coward.

so if someone is PLANNING on taking drugs or drinking “lean” they deserve to be shot. Brilliant.

Trust me; your opinion of Hilary and Trump IN NO WAY excludes you from being a possible racist, since both of them are racists.

No it is one and the same. You can have different ideas, but be aware that if those ideas revolve around the persecution of minorities, and subjugation of women in the pursuit of a fictional better time that is only the construct of overlooking centuries of shitting on more than half the human population, you are in

“Ban all Muslims” isn’t an idea, it’s hate speech.

No, what you are trying to do is explain to yourself that you are not racist so you can sleep at night. But that’s not how it works. You say/do racist things and boom you are most likely a racist. Your argument is the same thing people like you have been saying when it came to slavery or women’s rights. I’m sorry, but

I’ve never experienced racism. Therefore it doesn’t exist.

BLM is kinda sketchy to me.

I’m really tired of the whole “all ideas are equal” argument. Sometimes people are just wrong and what they say is dangerous and factually wrong and they need to be called out on it.

Wait... so she broke her arm so bad her legs didn’t work? She couldn’t walk on her own; maybe just holding mom’s hand?