
While I agree with you in principle - it seemed Khashoggi himself was an access journalist of sorts himself and only became a dissident because the people he was close to in the SA royal family lost out in MBS’s power grab/purge.

I think it’s implied that the criticism of access journalism is not just about the access but the types of stories access journalism actually are - they become propaganda.

Just no. The Bush Clan are monsters who’s two reigns brought death and destruction to Central America and the ME. They don’t deserve to be humanised. Bullshit journalists like this can go spend time with the families of their victims rather than whinge about being accused of being part of the problem.

I don’t think he was talking just about MSM, I think he’s an old school prick who is used to a world where the establishment (ie the powers structure of rich white men) control the narrative.

Also, while I do admit I’m being a snob here and quite willing to be seen as an arrogant jackass for my utter contempt for War Stories, I find the lack of acclaim for War Stories beyond Battlefield players/fans, to be quite telling. It’s not like the gaming world has ever been abuzz with talk of this great take on

I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree on the artistic merit of what DICE has made.

To be clear, I believe you can also have completely shallow games both thematically, and in design and gameplay, but that can be absolute fun - this isn’t an argument on what makes a games good.

Nah you just wanted to yawn so badly you either misunderstood or purposely misrepresented my take. Good snark requires accuracy. Try harder.

No. I specifically referred to War Stories - which I find trash game levels in both story telling and gaming design. Journalists are allowed to have negative opinions and treat certain games with contempt. I’d say it’s their duty. They shouldn’t be cheerleaders or approach a game from the premise of the PR machine.

I agree, but are all games great and should we take all of them seriously? There are many great games - just because DICE says “on the box” that War Stroies is an attempt at compelling narrative and gameplay (all narrated with “gravitas” by Mark Strong) - should we continue to analyse them from that premise? They

Heather, are these DICE War Stories even worth your journalistic time? You seem to have bought into them and critiquing them as if they are in any way more meaningful than a Sniper Elite game. Battlefield is all about Multiplayer and the only decent Battlefield campaigns that have ever existed are the Bad Company

Wait, what? I did not get the memo NDT was (until now) a jerk. In what way?

Except I get close to people all the time and need to put 2 or more rounds into them to kill them.

Oh they’re still here and they’ll tell you it’s about authenticity not realism....honestly, I’m so sick of them complaining that I got sucked into an argument on YouTube (I’m not proud of myself), and this guy shifted the goalposts so many times...took about 6 posts to finally rant about feminist and leftist scum, but

This. Can’t stand the fact that i flank someone, and have to put several shots into them at close range to kill them but this bloody thing is a one hit kill.

Yeah, when you see how hard he was trying to fight a drunk woman - nothing she is accused of doing and saying absolves him. He’s definitely the bigger piece of shit here. Hope his wife is proud of him.

My point about Tennis was also personal bias. Not a huge Tennis fan, so when I watch it I can’t really tell the difference - I actually like watching women’s tennis as much as I do the men’s game, which I cant’ say for my “first” sport, soccer.

Lol, I make one weak-ass “Paid for by Big (insert ridiculously incongruous profession here)” joke, and I get the most stars I’ve ever got...**** my life.

Hey, I’m on your side....I’m just saying this guy getting kicked off an establishment media corporation while all sorts of pro-Israeli stuff gets said without reply on the same network, is entirely unsurprising.

Paid for by Big-Archaeology no doubt.