I can’t imagine even noticing the fact it’s a woman- that’s how insecure these fucks are. The characters might say something but mostly they are tiny figurines in a total war game.
Yep I agree. Not saying it’s any more than a yellow but that angle most definitely shows him curling his fingers as if he’s scratch him - and the rest of his body language isn’t shaped to just give the sarcastic pat on the head some people give opponents.
Nope. That’s wasn’t my point at all.
Yeah, I’m afraid your friend is a pot-head. What’s that got to do with my point?
Just like you wouldn’t want somebody drinking on the job.
There are people commenting here saying they don’t want space x engineers or military people smoking pot. The stupid and irrational fear of pot and pot smokers still pervades society - by people who manage to cope with the presence of alcohol consumption.
...and why shouldn’t pot be allowed for mil/govt security clearances? Is alcohol allowed?
Lol, I think when we’re taking about expensive cars, people like you are allowed to be snobs - and totally own it. I’d like to eat one of your sandwiches. And that’s not innuendo btw.
Lol, ikr? That little bit at the end where he just assumes the press want to hear what he has to say after Rubio walks off, then someone interrupts him to ask him to move out of the way and he kind looks around and oblidges because he’s commanding zero respect or attention, is fucking hilarious.
I read the headlines with delight that someone was fucking Trump over - then I came to this article and read my first excerpts of the essay.
Would have been amazing if she had the morals, stomach and the brains to actually get better stuff. She could have done some good AND made money, but it seems her self serving imagination only went as far as “record some convos to make money”.
What? Normally absolutely love your takes and input, but the reference to ww2 seems more nerdily specific than anything - she could have just said “joining the armed forces and signing up to put your life on the line.” I’m not sure you’ve even understood the analogy she was making - she’s not saying a candidacy and…
Exactly, and at the very least it makes me think they’re horrible people completely ignorant to modern day problems with Nazi sympathisers, never mind the historical implications.
I support your decision, and just wanted to say it’s not an over-reaction. The normalising of Nazi symbolism is still inappropriate and still relevant to current day issues. It’s still not ok. There are still too many people who see it and think “cool”. When it’s an option that people can choose to represent…
Oh god I know ALL people in some form or another don’t deal well with change, but I especially hate the ones who feel entitled to their patch of time and space. So much so they expect where they once used to live to never change either.
The opposite of irrational fear and hate isn’t “praise”.
On a Battlefield community Facebook page I belong to, some of the same people who write diatribes and post memes on political correctness ruining ‘their’ “historically accurate” franchise, are then seen in other posts saying they will still buy the game.
I’m actually hoping it is because they want to work on the game. Surely a big developer like this would have already made the call to move it away from those other two games, ages ago? Isn’t it more likely to do with wanting to polish it more? I dunno. I kept seeing a level of unpolished-ness in the closed alpha…
In a better world you’d have a point - but warmongers are war mongers, and death and destruction is death and destruction. I just feel every time you try to be decent and civil in the face of evil deeds, you’re facilitating it. I can understand you feeling uncomfortable - challenging and disrespecting the legacy of…