
...then I will bow to your superior knowledge of the minutiae of determining factors. I’ve been back to watch it multiple times and I will play the “I’m a fan who likes consistency” card. I see these all the time not carded, leg extension and all. As a rabid fan yet casual player, I can’t see how the heck we’re

A mistimed tackle is something clumsy. This wasn’t mistimed, it was just out-timed by Lacazette - it was a 50/50 challenge for the ball and not even a tackle on the player. If you get beat to the ball and you interfere enough with the other player, you get the foul called on you. This wasn’t dangerous at all, he put

No it’s not normally a yellow at all.....it was just a foul. No malice or recklessness - he was milliseconds too late is all with a regular standing foot going downwards, and it’s often just given as a foul. How much the other person hurts isn’t a factor in these.

Yes. As a father of a 15 year old girl I concur. Teenagers have always had vapid interests and outlets. It’s our jobs to keep their heads on straight and help them grow up and out of their teenage dreamworld. Plenty teenagers have gone before them making bad decisions to fuel their impressionable and unrealistic

Yeah, when I think about I actually don’t think I’ll ever good at building because it’s a very honed skill to do it, and I consider myself a casual gamer. Shooters are at their core intuitive - it’s point and shoot like you’re holding a gun. Spamming walls is different and requires a mastery of the controller I’ve

Yep - as a casual player with a history of playing shooters, I still haven’t got the hang of Fortnite’s shooting mechanics.

Even though I can’t build for shit, I only agree with you about the hopping.

Wow, ok. I think it’s actaully harder to play Fortnite than PUBG, as the building adds more controls.

My fav is the Asian lady down and to the right from him, using both her hands. Why? Because when I think of angry football fan, Asian Lady is the last thing I’m thinking of.

I hope you are right.

Amen. I recently went on a week long trip to a very beautiful part of the country and because I was a parent helper with my daughter’s rowing team and would be very busy, I made the decision not to take my Canon dslr, and just use my brand new iPhone8 for snaps.

Ugh, as a guy, I’d just like to say from my life experience I believe you that you have many reasons to make generalisations, and that I understand the implied nuances within your generalisations, as well as acknowledge the rest of your post which provides context for your generalisations, and that I’m sorry so many

Thanks so much for the tip.

I just posted this on another comment. Completely agree. I suspect there are many many players like me who don’t have the time in our lives to use the real games as spawn and practice excersises. The load times and the fact you need to farm resources and keep ahead of the circle, do not making good practice conditions.

They need to have a fully featured practice arena. Load times per game in my part of the world aren’t worth using actual games to practice.

Serious question. My main takeaway from this story is that “cunt” seems to be equated to homophobic slurs.

Graphic designer here - I’m with you. This Solo poster isn’t ripping off this guy - in fact it’s just a better version of what he was trying to achieve.

You’re not an asshole, but haven’t you ever had those nights where the setting has been just right to do some very basic primal flirting and getting laid? Maybe you’ve had a bit more than usual to drink? The setting is loud? It’s more about physical stuff? That’s the only time I can think nothing ideological would

Hating on out of touch Hollywood elites being the leading voices on social justice, is probably the only time I ever agree with crazy rabid conservative types.

Agree. Rumours say it’s all going to be European ww2. If we HAVE to go back to ww2 I’d prefer the pacific war. Burma etc...