
Why though? As long as their actual reporting is done to a standard one expects of a reporter, why cant they also share their opinions on social media? How does the latter effect the former?

This is my take too.

I don’t know about Polk - did he campaign on the things he did while in office?

But you’re the only one who doesn’t get it. The rest of understand why it’s worded that way.

I agree. In a country that wants to piss money away building a wall along it’s entire southern border, and who spends gazillions on the military - the “But it’s tooooo haaaaaaard! My brain can’t comprehend how it would be done!” crowd truly are disingenuous fuckers.

Yeah - I read that a few weeks ago. Pretty much sums up why i’ll soon tire of even whinging about him on splinter....the piss weak “intellectual” is not worth my time.

I think it is hard. Not hard as in it’s hard to argue against, but hard as in hard to engage in. It’s the intellectual equivalent of my kid saying “I think you’re a silly poo face, because you told me I couldn’t have ice cream.” How do you even prove or disprove that I am or am not a silly poo face? What does “bad

That really is the key here. When told by my (young white male who once told me there was “no need for feminism once women got the fight to vote because the law sees us all equal now”) colleague to listen to Shapiro, I looked him up and couldn’t see what Shapiro actually had to argue.

Hey - I have a question for you seeing as thought you’ve played it.

I hate TT because my fav youtube gamer now just lands in there and spends ages clearing the “city”. Has made his Fortnite videos boring.


This is like telling the US-born child of immigrants that they’re not reallyAmerican because of their lineage.

I’m trying to imagine walking down my long driveway, opening my gates, walking over to my neighbor’s, buzzing their intercom, having them open their gates, walking up their driveway...all to get a salad spinner.

That’s what I find fucking funny - like her hair was the reason I never knew Shaun White had a fucking band.

You’re so right - this is totally an issue that involves varying context.

I live in a heavily immigrant city and am an immigrant myself - I ask people where they are from all the time. I’d never ask why someone came here...seems redundant if they came here for opportunity, and prying if they had to flee war or something.

I don’t understand how you and the other guy can’t see the direct relevance.

Thanks for more context. This is why I read the comments section. I read the Guardian article first and then saw this story on Splinter - both times I was hoping for more depth to the story. You provided it.

Which is why I had hoped EA would bring back Fight Night - that game was great and calling out for more innovation regarding controls around the footwork, that for me were easier to solve than the grapple game in MMA. I understand EA want to capture the market for MMA fans as they are growing faster, but as someone

Yawn. 1%er problems.