
what are valid reasons not to leave you kid in the car?

Agreed. Children who die from being left in the car are being neglected in numbers similar to any other type of abuse. Waaaaaay more parents safely leave kids in the car than leave them to die, and waaaaaay more parents know to crack a window or determine the heat factor. I mean statistically my child is more likely

Hopefully it’s a generational thing. Men are still taught to tie everything into make-hood. I have this repetitive conversation with a friend who loves his partner dearly, but we sometimes share/bitch about the annoying arguments we have with our spouses and he talks about how he hates those moments where she nags him

I don’t care for manual transmission....can’t stand it, and I have enough automotive “fun” in autos with paddles etc....but I absolutely understand the appeal of driving manual as you’ve perfectly described it. I get that tactile thrill from other things, so I can relate.

I don’t really watch any of this stuff so at first I thought that guy was a supporter of hers. Was a nice reaction to a feelgood moment from everyone involved..

Wish this fucker was a nicer person - what legend he would be.

I too haven’t checked the tweet out, but I like the tone of this article. It can’t be as bad as these fuckers supporting stripping healthcare, so I’m going to make a point of not looking up the tweet.

Yep - I have a hard time explaining both why these movies are good, and what sort of movies they are, to people who are (as I was) skeptical of talking ape movies.

Just have to add to the others urging you to give them a go. I cynically dismissed them as silly talking ape B-grade movies, and when I watched the first one on BluRay I thought it was very average - but then I watched the second one at the movies when a friend and I couldn’t find anything else to watch, and it was so

Also, if your ranks are so jumpy and fragile, quit asking them to stop people for minor infractions like broken tail-lights or not signalling on a turn. I mean, if i was a shit-scared-for-my-life-at-every-interaction cop, why would I risk death for such minor shit? If you are afraid of every civilian’s shadow - don’t

I chose PES over FIFA last year and did not regret my decision. From what E3 gameplay vids I’ve seen, I’ll be going with PES again.

Yup - I’m a football (soccer) fan, and it’s the same shit. Players who react to the dirty player are - according to a certain section of “hard” fans - the soft ones for not putting up with the dirty play. Fans who hate dirty play are lectured about how it’s a contact sport and are tough-guy-splained about how dirty

I’m not even mad at them.

As a layman how I read it, you’re close. The fibre etc. when you eat the fruit means the sugar gets processed by your body in the “right” way, and I think when you just extract and consume the juice you’re basically cutting out other components of the fruit and parts of the digestive process.

I have such anger for people who can’t see what you’ve just explained. They are too many of them and they are the reason why they are able to hold power in positions such as the sheriff. They are everywhere - democracy can be depressing.

She is is an arm of the same monster.

Yep. It’s only now she has a problem with how the right see women and use surveillance? I hope she wins because what happened to her was wrong. But sympathy? I have none.

Really? Did BF3 and BF4 single player campaigns lower the bar so much that people think BF1's campaign was good? I couldn’t make it past a few boring ass missions....maybe being set in an “unrealistic” Star Wars setting will help me suspend my belief etc....

Exactly. I’ve worked at two big companies with HR departments and both times they were a joke. One never did anything about a bullying lying creative director that multiple people complained about, and the current one is just laughed at as a department that was recently established to facilitate a whole load of

Really? I’ve lived in two nations that never compete for the WC, and I currently live in a major city with huge immigrant populations from football mad countries. The amount of people watching a low level game wanes significantly from a game with big name teams.