
So much this.

Now playing

These three cubs had a little help from humans.

As a longtime bleeding heart liberal, this article is so unbelivably self-serving and disingenuous.

Cue the self-loathing brainwashed white hipsters that are all over this site like a virus in 3....2....

Cue the race-baiting, preemptive attacks on anybody who might critique the article's premise.

What's really baffling to me is how the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has been known for months now and up until a couple of days ago people were just being asked if they might have caught Ebola when entering other countries, including the US.

I agree that the "women are so smart, they're the only ones who can figure out how to wash the floor" is benevolent sexism (toward women), but isn't it just sexism/misandry toward the men who, by implication, are stupid and immature?

I know we like to joke about misandry and male tears and all that, but you know what's actually misandry? Claiming that men aren't as smart as women, and that they can't possibly be expected to know how to act like adults. And it's coming from the (male) President of the U.S. of A.

"The fault here is any parent who doesn't feel this is essential training for boys, too. "

Exactly. What makes the shot is Mia's complex vulnerability coupled with the slightly aggressive, slightly seductive act of biting her necklace. (In my opinion, anyway.)

I'm 33, she makes me look 25 #sunscreen

Those teeth look a little to British if you know what I mean. :P

She's 33, and she already has more lines than graph paper.

They clearly have this kind of an agreement. It's like getting mad at someone in a open relationship for cheating. Yes, that was horrible and mean, but apparently this is the life they want, so, whatever. I laughed at her.

St. Louis is 49.2% black. Why would you assume the symphony attendees are almost entirely white?

I don't think the symphony is the time or place for a protest about Mike Brown, but I am glad they didn't actually interrupt the orchestra. The post on FB made it sound like they just busted out singing in the middle of Mozart's No. 5 and I was quite disappointed to hear that. I'm pleased to hear that wasn't how it

I read another article that said a symphony spokesperson said they wished the protesters would have stayed for the whole show. This is attention-getting protest at its best; the performance itself wasn't ruined and the concert organizers and audience members were cool about it.