
This is so interesting- just goes to show that these restrictions on women have much more to do with radical conservatism with a Muslim flavor than Islam itself, since these people were not any less Muslim back in the 60s

It's so jarring and disconcerting to see what's happened in such a short amount of time to Iraq and Afghanistan. Only 1 generation away from this (Baghdad, 1970s)

I love listening to white liberals babble on in defense of terrorists. lol

Meanwhile in the State Department:

Or the alternate title....

Should she have just committed ritual suicide for being racist?

Well, you probably missed out on that great chance to start shit by admitting that.

Tic Tac, Sir?

I'm female and a feminist, and this headline sucks. The information in your article is fantastic, and makes multiple good points, but that headline is sensationalist clickbait.

Wow. I wish my sister, who was murdered by her female intimate partner, could have read this. She might still be alive.

I dunno folks, Im jaded and miserable, and I started grinning at a couple points in that trailer.


"Mainstream humor has changed a lot since 1994"

Oh stop it.


I know, not the right movie, but humor me.

To say nothing of the judge, Ito, who PERSONALLY KNEW Fuhrman, and personally disliked Furhman, and should have recused himself when he found he had to rule on allowing testimony about Fuhrman's personal beliefs.

It was also a leather glove which had been wet with blood and then become stiff in an evidence envelope. So yeah, coupled with the latex gloves under, no surprise that it appeared to be difficult for Simpson to put it on.

From what I remember of the time, a lot of it too was that DNA testing was a new technology at the time and the prosecution was able to play on people's skepticism of science and technology.