
Don’t shrug responsibility, but telling yourself that is not really the best way to go. Take a vacation day.

How are they ever going to fix Jim Gordan after this stint? Snyder, whil entertaining is doing a Greatest Hits of Morrison’s recent run.

DC keeps screwing this up. How is a depowered idiot, the God raised on a farm that we know. He was amazing because he was Superman, beyond powers, this proves he’s only Superman because of his powers. DC has no idea what they are doing these days. Ya, that move to the West Coast really did amazing things.

This kind of was the whole goal of Lightning from the Beginning. 13 was not a great game and more trying to capture the coolness of previous ones.

I think it’s more Fallout 4 than anything else. Fallout 3 was incredible and so was New Vegas. It’s not an easy thing to top and it was always unlikely they would. They decided to set this one in Boston of all places. I would have saved that for the 5th one as people expected the most out of this location.

I don’t see the point of this if google’s cardboard viewfinder, does a job nearly as well with any phone that everyone has. Sure, this might be a little better, but not $600 better, as I will need my phone either way.

Good thing we have a reasonable developer. I haven’t played this game yet, but from what I hear will like it a lot and I already like the visuals.

That’s crazy impressive. How did the background noise not distract?

LOL, awesome.
Yes at Bullsworth Academy.

For some reason the gif didn’t work yesterday. That is hilarious.

But so is milking the crap out of kids too. That’s heartless as well. Where is the balance

I definitely missed the sarcasm. I see them as telling people, “you’re not entirely screwed.” And it might be released for the NX too.

Yes, fracturing the player base is annoying, not to mention finding enough players

That’s called marketing and reaching a greater audience. I have trouble calling that investment, when you are trying to sell the game you’re giving away.

Thank you so much for the heads up everyone. I hated the Wind Waker Triforece fetch filler. I’m not into that and that turned me off from this game. Loved the first two.

LOL, it seems like that. The guy has been through a lot of crap with the stupid company. Who would have thought, what was such a great company in the US and Japan ruined by their headquarters and idiots running it.

Ehh I didn’t care for the change of in Batman. But, is this less than a year later? What is Snyder going to rewrite of Morrison’s? He’s nearing the end run.

Holy crap, that’s crazy. Well, let’s hope no one wasted money on this.

Kickstarter just gets a big cut, pursuing the negative campaigns would be awful for them.

Everyone’s very positive about this change. I am not. Eventually time will tell, but I am not buying a promise. I’ll read the reviews, before they get any of my money or ruin a memory of a great game.