
DW was a little too busy in his head to pay attention to the race....

I'll give her credit... she is running a smart race - win or not.

Gotta agree... the left/right focus is impossible to comprehend,

Quick answer - no. HP printer drivers (really?) and Beats (really?).

The article does not state its' running stock. Until then, I'm going to assume that it is doing things that make their laptops annoying.

The troll power is weak with you grasshopper.

hehehe... that made me smile...

Yes I am and I agree. don't get me wrong - this is made for first time phone users.

What no horse?  You dissapoint ESA. 

I don't think she was down with that Mr. Cent.

Well good on Fox for doing side by side....

@Mike Joy.  Thanks for the update on the Chevy SS (Holden) which we can't get with a row-your-own box. 

misogynists work every venue they can get Travis. 

Hey, what is Tony whispering to Danica?   edit - my bad

It is kinda fugly... but remember this isn't made for the North America/UK/EU/Australia markets. A bit of phone first world smuggery....

Pretty happy with my N7. Is it perfect? Alas no... the no SD slot is a big thing.

I'll start things off... James Franco is a douche and has no business being at Daytona...

4.1 with some craptastic HP skin? Root and replace.

Yet the counter intuitive (read Repub) Governor of  Virginia has proposed reducing the gas tax to zero and raising the sales tax. The raising sales tax is  to overcome a shortage of revenue to apply to highways.