The confusion has nothing to do with plural pronouns. If they were talking about 3 people who all identified as male, and continued overusing he/him pronouns, you’d run into the same confusion as to which person the pronoun referred to.
The confusion has nothing to do with plural pronouns. If they were talking about 3 people who all identified as male, and continued overusing he/him pronouns, you’d run into the same confusion as to which person the pronoun referred to.
You have no idea how bad I want to recase my PC in a Silicon Graphics Indigo 2 case...
I just watched Network this morning so your comment made me do a weird giggle I didn't know I could make.
It’s a tough call!
Hawaii is “out of the country” now, is it? I didn’t know they’d re-gained their national independence after almost 130 years of US occupation...
And that’s only .23 Shkrelis.
Nope, I just inherently don’t trust grown adults that want to spend a lot of time with twelve year olds.
It’s certainly possible, but it seems more probable that a disturbed individual who hits women at bars is a menace to minors, too.
Sorry, 20-plus-year-olds don’t get to hide behind “naive and impressionable” anymore. I’m pretty sure I knew by age 24 that it would be inappropriate to hang around with middle schoolers.
If you in your early 20's (still a very naive and impressionable age) and you met a 12 year-old who was struggling with their identity and their parent’s weren’t supportive, you wouldn’t feel like stepping in as a support system of some sort?
Nope. Would maybe find them professional help but wouldn’t hang out with a twelve year old a bunch, no.I don’t have an opinion either way about the parents but there is almost a zero percent chance that this was just Miller trying to help a kid
When a supposed victim denies that the victimization occurred, that seems something worth at least taking seriously.
It’d be a better movie. They’re just rehashing Flashpoint anyway. The TV shows already did it better.
Wow Flash ran so fast he changed from Ezra Miller to Grant Gustin!
The Michael Keaton fans would crucify them in the town square if they did that, all the positive buzz about the movie has been about Keaton putting on the Batsuit again. They are caught between a rock and a hard place on this one. Maybe they should just ditch this one and announce a Batman Beyond movie featuring…
Three hours of:
Well, it doesn’t help that people in this very comment section are arguing that ‘maybe Miller was just helping them because they were both trans.’
Just supercut the Flash TV show and hope that people don’t notice.
I have a hunch that there’s ongoing meetings at the agency firm that represents him that are akin to the “What to we do with Howard Beale?” scene in Network.
Nah, look, I dig Burton’s Batman, but Returns is kind of strange. It’s set in a Gotham where there’s apparently only four people who actually seem to live there, and somehow Batman and Christopher Walken are the only vaguely normal ones. The whole thing should basically be called Why I Love 1920s German Expressionism…