Not living in Queens, I assume parking all the way up and over the white line is ok?
Not living in Queens, I assume parking all the way up and over the white line is ok?
At least he isn't ruining the kids life by getting involved in the kids life.
You know it must kill him that the first anchor baby is taller than he is.
I am absolutely stunned that someone who brings a casket to a tailgate might also have some questionable racial beliefs.
Nothing’s going to happen to him unless he’s caught with a dead girl or a live boy.
Trump-Palin 2020: Double Down, America!
It probably won’t do anything, but making him uncomfortable is the least that people can do.
“It wasn’t like a, ‘you must,’” Short insisted. “It wasn’t like, ‘you have to.’”
How MTV sucked the life out of the VMAs? I think it happened right about the same time they stopped playing music videos.
If the doors were locked, they would have broken the door down or shot through the door and lied about hearing noises that made them think there was “imminent danger”. At least this way the family still has a front door.
I am an ASU grad, and while it’s got a lot of really excellent programs going for it (the Cronkite School of Journalism is top notch, for one), holy shit, the “how do you even tie your shoes” population is ubiquitous.
One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot.
OMG, there’s trying to protect your members, then there’s this. The man put a chokehold that was against policy, on a detainee, leading to Gardner’s death, and they defend him this far? Any other union would stop by now.
it was such a goddamn embarrassment how the media worked that shit.
Don’t worry. Nobody is going to take these reality TV show people seriously.
Since he retired from baseball, Schilling hasn’t done anything that would suggest he’d be a capable member of society, let alone Congress.
Or maybe the wealthy professional football team he plays for could figure out a way to get its hands on one for him.
Loved Vectors as a child. Would still like to see one in person.
Its mainly because the owner is a wild douchebag, IIRC.
This and Trading Places are my father’s two favorite movies of all time.