
While we’re talking about Kavanaugh, any updates re: How all his debt disappeared?

Re: parking over the white line.  Saw that and wondered the same.  Maybe the collision pushed it over the line? Doubtful considering how people park these days.

He sits that way so you won’t see how fat he is.  

Typical of the GOP to use 9/11 as cover for their undemocratic actions.

It reminds me of an FJ Cruiser and that’s not a good thing.

Being a grifty/terrible human posing as an evangelical is the best job in the country. Once you get exposed, all you have to do is blame satan and ask to be forgiven. Then you can start the scam all over again.

All Trump is doing is priming his base to switch to TrumpTV in 2020. It may not exist now, but it will at some point. 

Exactly. If you’re not antifa, then are you profa?

Especially when you hear that audio feed the media played did not accurately portray the noise in the room.

If the Democrats bait Trump into causing a recession, then the Democrats, assuming they win the White House, will need to fix the recession while overcoming the GOPs aversion to doing anything. Then, once fixed, America will elect a Republican president who will then undo all progress made, again.

He ain’t gonna do shit.  

Isn’t this the second “vacation” he’s had this year?

Why wait to retire and not just go full Jason Chaffetz and leave.

What about the Vector W8?

It’s kind of amazing, that look of shocked indignation when you call someone out for being blatantly rude and they know they’re in the wrong but can’t summon up the courage to own up to their actions.

1000% use a Red Cap, especially in Penn Station.

His tweet storms remind me of the text messages you get from someone that you recently broke-up with but is trying to convince you to stay together.

Ted Cruz is anti-antifa. anti-antif=fa. So he’s pro-fascism?

If not “many people” then I’d appreciate a reporter asking who “some people” are.