
Looks a lot like the V60 wagon.

I wonder where he comes down on the Ford Interceptor Taurus v. Explorer debate?

I think "styled somewhat better" is an understatement. Looks like a giant golf cart.

Pontiac Aztec enthusiasts.

Does the convertible murano deserve a following? They and the convertible PT Cruiser deserve to be permanently forgotten.

Don’t forget the hogs who stay in the left lane when a single lane road briefly goes double to allow passing. Those ass hats are the worst offenders and are a legitimate safety hazard. Run into these jerks a lot in Maine.

You summed up my biggest pet peeve, and fear for that matter, from when I lived in NJ. People would just go straight across traffic to the left land AND THEN accelerate.

I want that car. I’m in the market for a wagon and despite my aversion to buying new, will buy that car new. Bring it to the states.

I like the cut of your jib. And wish I had seen you in the greys before posting the exact same comment.

No self-respecting BBQer doesn’t know the difference between BBQing and grilling.

Hold on, this is in here yet no mention of the hideous Chevy Blazer with the rounded ass?

I remember in 1994, listening to a Hartford, CT or Springfield, MA radio station hold a contest where they put 5-6 people in a Ford Aspire and the last one to leave won it. IIRC people started quitting after one guy ate a bunch of hot wings.

TY. I might be entering the market for a car and have completely ruled out Acura b/c of their current look.

Hitting an immovable object, especially a war memorial is pretty near the top. A close second would be hitting and sinking a foreign flagged high school training ship with your submarine while demonstrating emergency surfacing skills to a group of dignitaries.

WWCCD (What Would Captain Chaos Do?)

“Hmm, know what’ll look hot for my wedding day? A flava-sava. Cuz I’m classy.” - The Groom

“I know what Immagunnado. I’ll wear an poorly fitting aqua shirt, pair that shizzle with a gold tie, and ask my special lady to marry me in front of everyone at the wedding! Everyone will be so happy! And there’ll be at least one professional photographer to capture this Kodak moment. For free to me!” - Thoughts of a

More and more people are entering the lottery each year and there’s only a finite number of spaces available to lottery entrants. So the odds are getting slimmer of “winning” a space.

Grand Wagoneer. Bring it back and make it awesome.

106th Rescue Squadron = Pararescue Jumpers. Basically a Navy SEAL that’s also a paramedic.