
Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is more Stannis!

Guys, y’ know…that…that…it doesn't work for me. I gotta have more Stannis!

Acting, writing, AND sex? You can have more than two of those?

I haven't watched "The Americans" yet, but being told that it's always been about sex is as wonderful a recommendation as I could ever dream of.

There's a part of me that wants a "Day of the Doctor" type deal with Leno, Letterman, and Ferguson. Capaldi could be the Rose to Ferguson's Ten.


Yeah, pretty much.

You're wrong.

I just finished the game. The best pop culture reference, by far, was when they South-Parkified the soundtrack from the animated version of "The Hobbit". Obscure and unbelievably hilarious in the context.


How did you figure them out?

Venice is my favorite civ to play a "non winning" game. You can just fuck with the other nations, making world wars every once in a while with your bribes, propping up crappy civs with gifts of units and gold.

Americans have a proud history of besting the Devil. The Devil and Daniel Webster. Hitler. Communism. You name it, we beat the devils!

"And a band of demons joined in and it sounded somethin' like this"
Devil Went Down to Georgia/ was one of my Chicago-based family
favorites. It's just fantastic storytelling—the Devil doesn't just
tell, he shows. The underdog wins. The underdog calls the Devil a "son
of a bitch". When my siblings and I were younger,

As per Troy's question to LeVar Burton on last night's Community episode, I think this story needs to end up at an actual star.

Somebody doesn't like nipples.

It wasn't when I started watching like eleven minutes ago.

I've devoured the first two seasons of The Wire and discovered that I can make people stop talking about the shows I should watch by very quickly assuring them that I'll add it to 'My List'.

"Meaby realized she had made a huge—"
"Nah, I'll be fine."

Favorite Episode: Ozymandias, Breaking Bad
Favorite Scene: The Red Wedding, Game of Thrones
Favorite Character, Drama: Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones
Favorite Character, Comedy: Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation
Favorite New Character: Olenna Tyrell, Game of Thrones
Line of the Year: TIE "NOT GREAT, BOB", Mad Men &