
Apparently I’m better off.

No hate, but rather a few responses from an X1 owner:

I placed the pieces on the floor of a ruined house I scrapped in Sanctuary and everything went smoothly.

Um...”exclusives that interest me” does not equal “genres that interest me.” Killzone is a first person shooter, but I don’t like it. I don’t have to prove that at all to anyone.

I’m very happy with choosing the Xbox over a PS4 this generation. I’ve got no hate for the PS4, mind you. I just didn’t see the exclusives (and still don’t) that would interest me enough in buying one. When comparing Sony’s exclusives with titles I’m interested in like Halo, it was an easy choice for me and Microsoft

And the BX - its what people in 1982 thought cars would look like in 2007.

except Fallout 4 was the best game in the series in my opinion, so suck it with your negativity.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

“Listen, my policy is going to be a YUUUUUUUGE success. Here’s how it works: everyone receives a Trump brand (TM) ham sandwich at Customs. These are the finest, most luxurious ham sandwiches you’ve ever seen, let me tell you. Top of the line ham sandwiches. Fine ham sandwiches (that are probably made in Shyna). Ham

I was at a gathering of friends yesterday and people started telling their stories of being emotionally assaulted by Christians.

...and then demanded that his followers dink blood and eat flesh. Definitely a zombie.

Now that is monstrous.

God kills an infant to teach the parents a lesson, which is that they should love God more. The God who just killed their baby.

I was going to say- isn’t Zombie Jesus just.. regular Jesus?

Good for this guy. I’m about done with Baptists this week. If you’re religion dictates you should tell parents that just lost their baby to SIDS that it happened because they weren’t living right, then you deserve to see your diety mocked. Sorry, I’m getting a little personal, but this happened to a good friend

Considering these people truly believe that Jesus was killed and then rose from the dead, you’d think they would be much more receptive to this very appropriate zombie nativity scene.

Looks too much like Bill Murray there. That should not be.

I don’t know, he’s had to see Cruz’s name all over the news this whole time. I have a particularly vile former roommate that after a few years of hate I’ve graduated to a semi-zen “I wish her well, and far away” POV, but if she had a political following constantly Tweeting about how she was the smartest person in the

I’m with grapeslick. Its a very subtle difference but you can pick up on the difference between someone who is just completely bitterly hating on someone and someone who is doing it for fun. I think Mazin is the latter for sure.

I vote no, because he keeps his sense of humor throughout.