You win many internets sir. lol
You win many internets sir. lol
So have you taught him to park like an asshat as well? Because being able to park properly is one of the many good things AMERICAN CARS can do.
It looks to me that the one with the sunglasses in her hair is having more fun than the one wearing sunglasses.
It looks good. Kinda like Burnout Paradise with better graphics. It looks like it could use some more Burnout elements to make it more of an arcade game if that's what they're going for. And knocking Priuses off the road? I'll be spending the first half hour just donning that lol.
Dude, put it in the replies!!!
I see what you did there. And it's very nice. lol
Let's see here... We have a guy who's shitting on the COTD, who is making broad generalizations about topics, who's kicking a fellow jalop while he's down, and has perviously made callous, misinformed, judgmental comments. What we have here, in fact, is a idiotic fucktard asshole.
Dude, don't shit on the AOTD. If you don't agree with it, fine so be it. Pack your bags and don't read it.
There it is. That's what I'm talking about! lol
To all the jerks and asshats saying,"what's the big deal? He just tapped it" or "that reaction was totally uncalled for": This is my truck. Is it hand built? No. Is it in perfect condition? No. Most of you would probably call it a beater. But it's mine and I love it. If somebody wasn't paying attention and started to…
Dude, don't be an asseshole on the COTD.
How about I back into your hand built car and we'll see what words come out of your mouth.
This one. 1989 Chevy 1500. I've been driving it for about 3 years now and have put at least 30,000 mile on it in that time. I am going to be getting something with better gas mileage for commuting to college soon but I'm going to keep this truck until it dies.