
Brady did explicitly say he hopes Reimer isn’t fired. Stop being an annoying little pissant Ley

How much water must one drink to heal a fracture?


I’m sick and tired of seeing the trailer because every time I do I’m like

Oh fuck off. You go out in public you can wear something more than fucking underwear. If you don’t, people are gonna mock you.

Hopefully the skank bought a shirt with it.

I may get shit for this, but take a Duck Tour. It’s touristy as all get out, but for ~$30 you’ll get to see a good chunk of the city (helpful for planning out future stops), somewhat get your bearings on our labyrinthine streets, and take a quick cruise on the Charles River.

Go to Trillium Fort Point and procure hoppy beer. Eat seafood at the bar at Row 34. Walk around the area. Go somewhere and drink the hoppy beer. Be happy.

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

Really makes you think this backlash isn’t about respecting the country at all, doesn’t it?

“I was hanging with a very hot girl (don’t ask. you wouldn’t know her and she lives in Canada) watching sports, benching 600 lbs., and eating raw meat when this smoking hottie (!!!) got up from my lap, where she had just had 20 orgasms from rubbing up against my massive dong, took my phone, and wrote those texts,

Come on guy. They lost to Trinidad and Tobago. The United States. We shouldn’t lose to Trinidad and Tobago at anything. ANYTHING. If you don’t think that’s at least a little bit hilarious, well, I don’t know what to tell you. If England ever loses to Bermuda, you’d never stop laughing.

The ad isn’t about a black woman “washing the black off” and turning into a white woman with the help of dove soap. It’s about dove soap being good for women if every skin color.

I’m not giving up female. Too banal to be shamed into believing it’s equivalent to actual misogynistic language that peppers our vernacular. Too many words in the English language to disparage women to select female as the last stand.

I have no idea why I even need a salesperson, give me teslas model all day long. I don’t need some greasy salesman trying to change me 400 bucks for floor mats.

This is a system the dealerships created. It’s not the customer’s fault you don’t make much money when they get the best deal. If you don’t want to sell them a car at a certain price you have the choice not to. Just like the customer has the choice to take a better offer elsewhere.

When a white person brings up “black on black crime” that is code for “I do not like black people and I think that they are deserving of violence because they have brought it on themselves”.

This is the part that burns me up. Discuss Kaep, BLM, anything and the inevitable questions is “Well why isn’t anyone talking about black on black crime?” And a simple Google search can turn up tons of marches and conferences in the black community on this very subject.

So to make sure I understand this... facebook throws what amounts to a small town’s population at you over the course of a summer, you happen to recognize one last name and location out of the shotgun blast of randos that are passing through—not right away, though, after a couple of months, and only the first time