
they are watching her old Peloton workout videos on the couch as if that’s completely normal.”

And it’s still going to be the minority crying about this stupid shit. Real fans will most likely love the game, the generally public will probably love the game, the neckbeards on the internet who are always out for Nintendo’s blood and have never owned a Switch or would even buy Pokemon are going to be the ones

Baba was also a dumb shit that got killed by a blind guy and did literally nothing. The Mandolorian did way more in the first five minutes that Boba did in the entirety of two movies. 

Please you, I will!

Can’t wait for the Lvl 50 raid tier armor =D

Okay Karen, go get your Starbucks coffee and shut the fuck up. 

Don’t forget the worst offense “hates Gooigi”

I was rolling when some ghosts were trying to scare Gooigi being to stupid to realize it wasn’t Luigi. Their confusion was hilarious. Anybody who hates Gooigi is probably someone who should be locked up. 

Gooigi has no coolness? No sir, YOU have no coolness. Gooigi is number one and deserves to be in smash!

Yesterday morning: “Blizzard is the scum of the Earth and nothing they announce at Blizzcon will change that, I’M GOING TO PAY FOR TICKETS SO I CAN PROTESTS THIS EVIL COMPANY!”

Yeah that’s my only complaint too, the aiming sucks. Complaining about pushing A to stun a ghost than the right stick to aim or fight back when the ghost is running is equivalent to pushing B to crouch in a shooter then immediately aiming with the right stick. Has this writer never played a game where you use face

and yet there is still no real character creator and the generator only comes up with the most ugly characters it possibly can and there is still no content. Just let this game die like No Man’s Sky.

Yeah, gotta love how the article states Switch can’t handle it but posts of video of it playing smoothly and handling just fine. 

That eats data like crazy. 

Makes title bashing the Switch version, posts video showing the complete opposite of statement...

These comparisons are kinda unfair since this is high end PC and IGN is PS4 Pro instead of a base PS4 but it does a great job at showing how well The Witcher does on Switch. Sure it’s not as clearly but it still looks really great, still has a lot of detail. So for this massive press trashing of The Witcher on Switch i

They should end the game and stop ruining the gaming industry with their shitty and shady business practices and zero creativity. Fortnite is made off the shameless ripping off of infinitely better things. 


That’s kinda the point of Deadpool, he doesn’t fit in and completely goes against the comics. It’s why he works so well too. He would fit just fine in the MCU if done well which is sure to be done seeing as how dedicated Ryan Renalds is to the character and MCU is to the movies. Best thing about Deadpool is that he is

I just really need Deadpool to meet Spider-Man now that Sony came to their senses and realized they do indeed like money. Ryan Renalds and Tom Holland would be a great paring.