My God, what a shit show this is.
My God, what a shit show this is.
It also amazes me that people are that shitty. Returning a game you beat and enjoyed sucks. I know you have to have systems in place to prevent that kind of abuse, but I wish people were just cool about it.
The NYT stories says the additional grades made no difference either way. The ranking difference in weighted vs unweighted remained.
Ehhh.... Elite isn’t doing great at the moment either. :(
All the people who are like, “This game is an obvious scam, look at how long it’s been and the game isn’t released yet” better avoid thinking about Dwarf Fortress - their heads might explode.
It’s not a crime in the US. The specifics vary by state but in general nobody except on-duty EMTs, Paramedics, or other medical personnel (usually including firefighters but not cops) have a legal responsibility to render aid.
I’m sure plenty of them are pretty happy to be creating technology that will help US Army infantrymen communicate better and check their surroundings better to keep everyone involved as safe as possible, including civilians.
Why would you buy the game if you have gamepass? If they take it off a year from now you can buy it then at a fraction of the price and keep playing. Square Enix is obviously is happy with the size of whatever check MS wrote so it’s not like anyone is getting screwed over.
Mary Magdalene would have had an OnlyFans.
I think libertarianism gets a bad rap in the US. It’s been co-opted by American conservatism because like all conservatism it romanticizes their history, and in the US that’s the golden age of cowboys, which I guess in a way “libertarian”. Libertarianism is more leftist than anything.
Its not a defense. Its a call for the writers here to not use such blatant exaggerations. If you read it it seems like Rowling has been spending her considerable wealth and platform to just rail against transgender rights ever since her career took off and that just isn’t true.
Cool. I respect everyone who makes the decision to not buy anything a bigot was involved in for him/herself. What I do not respect and still call cancel culture is when people do not just decide “I won’t buy” but also start a crusade with an online mob to destroy that person and make him lose his livelyhood by…
“On the back of this notoriety, the British author has waged a tireless campaign against transgender rights”
Think of all the people who have opinions that you don’t like working on projects you love who don’t have YouTube channels. The horror! You should probably just stop enjoying anything because there’s bound to be someone in there who you disagree with.
I don’t know if I like this. I mean clearly this guy has views I strongly disagree with. But... so? That means he can’t work on games?
This is almost right up there with using chop sticks when getting Chinese takeout.
I’m literally the wokest person I know (and I currently live in Portland) but you are going out of your way to find something to be offended about. I don’t make a habit of telling another POC how to feel but there’s literally a million other things to be outraged about. Let this one slide.
Nope, you’re not. Daikatana sunk an entire studio and was unplayable in any form. CP2077 made close to half a billion dollars on release weekend, is by all accounts really great on a sufficiently powerful machine, and will likely make $1-2b when all is said and done, even after the refunds and the drama.