If everyone follows this advice (which, on an individual level, is good!), we are going to be in a depression. Our entire economy is designed to operate where people’s net savings rate is NEGATIVE.
If everyone follows this advice (which, on an individual level, is good!), we are going to be in a depression. Our entire economy is designed to operate where people’s net savings rate is NEGATIVE.
I wish my tires lasted 30k reliably.
The first like 200,000 were super low cost,” he said, but things went up dramatically from there.
All of the drivetrain components are common to ICE as well. Half shafts, CV Axles, etc all can happen on both. Surprised to not see more with 400k miles on it. Lots of regular users would let those trim bits go.
Great response! Should be on all royals articles :)
The Japanese judicial system is so tilted (99% conviction rates) that it’s hard to see how he’d get a fair trial, especially since the evidence points toward a contrived set of charges drummed up by MITI to protect Nissan from falling into French government control. This was a set-up, pure and simple.
Did anyone see the picture and immediately know it wasn’t real....
I would think it would be a better idea from a PR standpoint to offer a free upgrade to passengers who are a part of the airline’s loyalty/rewards program whenever they cut off booking. It makes the first class seats look more sought after to other passengers if the seats are full, it makes the upgraded passenger(s)…
Okay? Bruh, he’s making a recommendation, with some guidelines and caveats. Chill.
“Widow” is not a gender neutral term. A female whose spouse has died is a widow, a male whose spouse has died is a widower.
Yes, thank you. I’ve been continuing to visit the G/O sites because I like a lot of the writing and the comment sections (trolls and racists notwithstanding). But fucking hell has it gotten significantly worse over the last couple of months. Say it with me now, G/O:
It may be an unpopular opinion, but I see it as a controversy in US, Europe should not live with American baggage. Likewise, this wasn’t trying to be disparaging. People shouldn’t impose their own insecure views onto other countries - or you know, you shouldn’t do anything to shame the great people’s republic of china…
Damn you for bringing logic into this...! ;-)
He’s calling for regulation, not nationalization. Big difference.
Tesla has most of what’s been outlined here. Their battery packs monitor/cool/heat on per cell level. You can’t replace specific modules as easily, but who has needed to? (Tesla degradation is <1% per year and the packs built in the last few years have been /very/ solid) Teslas also have heat pumps on the motors as,…
I can’t pretend that I’ve kept up with all 20 million candidates, but is there any candidate on the Dem side who doesn’t plan to vigorously advocate for climate policies?
Their face models look real bad. And the gameplay looks rough AF. Like something about how the characters snap to their next animation, it seems like a PS3 game with some current-gen filters. But those faces, I’m not sure what it is but I am not liking it.
“To anyone who ever believed Elon Musk’s bullshit: you’ve been had.”
And what a cliffhanger! I’m so bummed. Bad decision, Netflix.
Respectfully disagree. Strongly. Either the thing has magic or it doesn't. The only magic that comes from rarity is the imagination we have about something unseen. But you can use your imagination without needing something to be rare. I've never seen more than one Transformers movie, but I've got a strong imagination…