
Carrie Coon 'NOW' Starring on 'Fargo' Season (*3*).

Almira "Gulch's Theme"…
ORrrr 'WitCHh' Nnnn`NORA…
['Picture of Almira Gulch on Bike']
"Dunt Na-Dunt Na Da-Naaaaa…
"Dunt Na-Dunt Na Da-Naaaaa…"

BUTttt…She' Dint 'FK^UPppp^!?!
She 'Said?' She Saw 'They' Were 'Happy' and 'She' Dint 'BELONG' THERE. Thadtzs 'Way' Different than '?F`innn^UPppp^? in 'My' Opinion!?!

ANDddd…The 'Lone' Scientist, Dr. Van Eeghen, Would…
GO TO:> 'ALL' the 'TROUBLE'…TO:> RE`MAKE…A Highly 'Complicated' Machine TO:> 'Send' JUST !ONE! PERSON, Hha`ha`HER, NORA'…Back TO:> The 'Left`Over' Dimension/Universe?!? Rrrr`!RiGHTttt!


'Surely'…Laurie 'Would' Know [!?!]….Whether 'Nora' was 'Gone'…For 'Thadt' Length of 'Time' or 'NOT' !?! `Just`Sayin…
She 'Would' Know the 'Truth' of the 'Matter'. ORrrr…'Nora' Could`ve Lied TO:>'Her', TOO!?!

'One'…Dr. Van Eeghen.
'!?Sorry?!' ['TSCarp']. 'GREATttt'…
'User`Name' By`the`Way. `Hhahahahaha.
'NO'…Dr. ['Dirty'] Rick Sanchez. Crossing`Over!?!

`Oooo`Kay `Pppp`POPpppzsss…
!RiGHTttt`Oooo! `Hhahahahahaha!?!

'Now' Thadtzs 'Funny'.
'Give' THE 'Man' a `CEE`GAR!?!

Better`Gittt…'SC' Justice…
'Clarence' THOMAS on 'THAT' Pronto.
Whadt`Say`You Ahhh`Nita?!?

'?Maybe?' ORrrr…A. Hogg…
INnnn A 'Hedgehogg' !?SUiTttt?!
Will? 'WE' EVER ?KNOW? for 'SURE' ?!?

A 'Play' on 'Name' Pronunciation?
"Yuri" Standard 'Russian' Pronunciation, Right?
"Yuria" = 'Yurreah. ORrrr…"Yuria" = 'Yur`RE`AHhhh'.
Like in the 'Word' Urine. 'Varga' Seems TO:> Like…
'Body' Functionzs and 'Fluidzs'.

!MOVE ALONG! (claudewc)…

ANDddd…WAS…'Probably' TOLD TO:> !MOVE ALONG!
This IS 'NONE' of `YOUR '!BUSiNESS!', Right? `Nuf`Sayid.

'YOU' are 'RiGHTttt', `SiRrrr.
'Sorry' for the 'Faulty' Assumption.
However, Assuming 'One' BUTTzs into a 'Ongoing' Police 'Investigation'…I Would/DO Believe 'One' Would HAVE TO:>…Not Only '!?Identify?!' 'Onezs`Self'…Buttt, State…
WHY? 'They' are Inviting 'Them`Selvezs' into 'Said'
Questioning 'Session'. `YAHh KNOW?!?

`Deal`Wittt 'ITttt'…!?!
Thankzs 'Moderator' for
Your 'Forebearance' Ms/Sirzs.

The ['i'] is added on 'Purpoise'.

Wouldnt 'Pass' Muster with a 'Actual' Police Officer.
Would Be 'Told' TO:>'ANSWER' the 'F`Nnnn' Question!?!
ANDddd, If 'He' Wasnt 'HiS' Lawyer…TO:>'Leave' the 'Room'…
'Period'. Who ARE '?YOU?'…WHY? ARE '?YOU?' in Hha`ha`HERE?
`OHhhh…'REALLY'…Then !BYE~BYE! Mister 'Wolf'. `YEAHhhh.

Since When?…Would/Does a 'Police' Officer Allow 'ANY' Person, Who…
Not Only Do 'They' Not Say/Tell 'Them'…WHY? They are 'Butting' into a 'Official' Conversation? BUT…WHO? THEY ARE?!? Just 'Really' Seemed Beyond 'All' Reason with Thadt Particular 'Situation'? "Excuse Me Sir…WHO? The ['!$#*#$!'] Are YOU? And…WHY? Are You

There !IS!…AND…!HAS`BEENn!…'Plenty' of 'Collateral~Damage'…
ONn Both Sides!?! 'Oleg', 'Martha', 'Nina', Stan's Old 'Boss' [Last 2`R 'Dead'], `Just TO:>'Name' a 'Few'!?! Kkkk`Come`On 'Man'?!?