
'YES'…She !LOVEzs! Hha`ha`HiMm. 'She'… ['Basically']…`Said As 'Much' TO:>'HERr' Therapist. 'Some`Thing' on the 'Order of'…['Thadt']…"…'Getting' A/The 'Divorce' Wouldt`Be Like 'Some`One' in the 'FAMiLY' !Dying!" RE`Member 'Thadt' Conversation??? BUTttt, 'TEDDDY' ['Needzs/Wantzs'] `WAY !TOO~MUCHh! of 'HERr'

WHADdt? Big 'TEDd' a Ssss`SNAKE?? 'COME`ONn`MANnnn'!?! Hha`ha`?HOW`SO? Tttt`TEDDDY's Been the B.i.G.g 'A$$$`HOLE' Through`Out!?! ];@~

'ME', !TOO! Great 'Acting', As a 'Miserable', Self 'Absorbed' Character. Clayne Crawford…ISsss 'SO' Goodt, As TO:> Make `ME / `YOU…'SERiOUSLY' Dis`Like Hha`ha`His 'Character'…Even As Hha`ha`HE !BREAKkzs! `YOURrrr Hha`ha`HEARTt!?! ];@~

!YES! ANDddd…'ONLY'…`Ray McKinnnion k`!NOWzs! ANDddd, !WiLLL! Tttt`TELLL in 'HiSssszsiezs' OWNn 'Appropriately' GOODdt`TiME!?! Hahahahaha. ];@~

`Yeah…BUTttt…Hha`ha`HE, ['Leslie' with a 'z'], 'HELPzsss' Dddd`Daniel…`Gittt WHADTt? Janet Wanted 'MOSTttt', A 'Classic' Gas 'Stove'. 'PLUSsss'…HiSssszsiezs 'PARTY'…`Gitttzs 'Daniel' !LAYEDdd! SOooo…Hha`ha`HE, [ the 'Whimsical' Character ], 'Accomplishezs' Many 'Plot' Pointzsss and 'Furtherzsss'…`Said 'Plot' Linezs.

`Your 'Opinion'. ISsss !With~OUTttt!
'ANY' Ssss`Substantiation?!?

What '?MYStERY?' Would THADTt`BE?!?

'Oldt' Person Here. Was ONLY providing 'Literary' Background and 'Perspective'.

Cartman 'Level'…i guess. sure maybe…
Actually, Its FROM:> 'Greek' Mythology.
SEE: "Curse of the House of Atreus."

Actually, Who IS Left after the Explosion at the Citadel? Any Way?? She IS/WAS The 'Queen' Mother. Just Jamie looking on…at the End!?!

Adam Nayman…Cant 'EVEN' `Git His 1st 'Image' Correct. The 'Little' Girl in 'Night of the Living Dead'…Was 'Plunging' a Masonry 'Trowel' into Her 'Mother'! Not "Bludgeoning…with a Shovel"!?! "Please'…Get Your 'Facts' and 'Images' Right Next Time…

'Sembene' and 'Ethan' Partnered^UPppp^ ('paternered')…
Because 'No`One' Else 'Knows' or Could 'Handle'…
A 'Wollfied`OUTttt' Ethan Chandler 'Creature'!?!

The 'Wolf' of 'God'…
Has !NOTttt! Gone Public!?!
'ONLy'…Sembene Knowzs…Has 'Seen' the 'Truth'.

If 'ONLY'…
HE`Dddd of 'Gottten' His 'Shotzs'!?!

So far…
True Detective 'Season' (2)…Has Been…
'Some`Whadt' of a Dis`Appointment for 'Me'?!?

'!GREAaaattt!' Hhahahaha…

Can Shoot a (45)`Caliber 'Bullit'!?!

"Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and Autumn moon is bright."-The Wolf Man (1941).

Maybe…`Just Maybe…
Ethan 'Wollfie' Chandler…
Gained 'Control' of His 'Wollfie`Ness'…
And…'Only'…!Bit`Off! Sembene's Ear?
Which Would of 'Saved' Sembene's Life?!?

Hha`ha`HE 'DiDddd'!?!