
It doesn’t always prove it. Like I said, some places can pull up the license photo from the DMV, making it easier. Sometimes their story makes sense, they rattle off the identifying information like it’s nothing, the physically identifying info (eye/hair color, ht/wt, etc.) matches, registration for the car matches,

Of course. Physically having your license on you makes it much easier, and it’s still the law. If a cop has to look you up because you don’t have your license with you, he’s likely going to write you for license not in possession.

Provide a name, date of birth, address, etc. that a cop can run through whatever system they use in that particular state that verifies, to the cop’s satisfaction, that you are who you say you are. In my state agencies with the right equipment can pull up a digital copy of their driver’s license photo and other info

The initial detention was for the noise. The detention continued because he was unable to produce his licence to drive the car he was driving.

But not disrespectful, right?

I agree. Still, there are no limits to what even the pickiest neighbors with the least valid complaints can complain about.

There are limits to what a neighbor should and shouldn’t be allowed to complain about

I fail to see how whatever anybody does on their own property is somehow disrespectful to anybody else.

He’s probably done now.

Not in a million years. $32K is more than enough to buy an M3 that hasn’t been ruined and a 325 wagon that hasn’t been ruined. This guy is out of his mind.

Eating more food than the individual needs to is what causes weight gain. People with hypothyroidism who control their caloric intake in relation to their caloric expenditure do not gain weight, in spite of having hypothyroidism.

And more recently, after the 2012 Olympics, she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, causing her to gain 90 pounds.

The oil filter on my NB Miata is in a a really stupid spot for something you have to access for regular maintenance.

Unless I’m mistaken, whether or not he robbed the store really has nothing to do with the issue that so many are concerned about. The issue was whether or not Brown posed a threat to the officer that justified the shooting, and evidence supports that he did.

Why is this video 10 minutes long? IT could have lasted 22 seconds and been just as interesting.

When Trent Reznor heard Cash’s version of the song, he actually said that it stopped being his song and had become Cash’s song.

Well, if we’re going to be honest here, when she “hoards” her billions of dollars that money she doesn’t prevent that money from existing. It’s not in a massive coffee can buried in the yard. That money is banked and invested, and others are able to take advantage of that capital to do things like buy homes and build

Hire an English tutor.

How old must one be to not be dad?

I find it disgusting that so many of my brothers and sisters continually treat the flags and names of people who did not want to be Americans anymore