
“My hope would be that an academic institution would be the one place where you can engage in civil discourse about any topic.”

In an academic setting the concept of a “safe space” is what allows students and academics to explore controversial topics and make unpopular arguments without fear of retribution from the institution.

Cool. It’s an interesting, but important, distinction to make.

Yeah. The Army’s grooming standards prescribe certain differences based on sex. Sex and gender are not the same thing.

It’s totally OK for prisons to make male prisoners cut their hair. Guess what, Chelsea Manning is still male.

“In September, the military announced they would force her to follow male grooming standards”

It was a joke. No need for insults, please try to act like an adult.

Sure, but not hallow.

I don’t see how it makes anything hallow.

I understand, it’s an entirely politically motivated witch-hunt.

So the fact that a government agency takes part in advertising is an issue to you?

Your guitar is totes catfishing you, bro.

Honestly, how is this any worse than Coors or Ford sponsoring a half time show?

I’m giving mynown post a star here because I can’t star yours twice. Consider it yours.

These weren’t fake commercials. They actually happened. They’re very real.

I’ve heard from an inside source that the Coors Light ads throughout the stadiums and broadcasts are paid for too.

They were also the victims of paid marketing campaigns for Budweiser and Toyota pickups.

“Unsuspecting audience members became the subjects of paid-marketing campaigns rather than simply bearing witness to teams’”

Jesus fucking Christ. These are fashion photo shoots. They’re MAKE-BELIEVE. There is a difference between fantasy and the real world, dunce.