I fully agree that it does not. I was simply asking Audra why she thinks it does.
I fully agree that it does not. I was simply asking Audra why she thinks it does.
Uh, no. Rather than make silly and baseless accusations towards me, why not try answering my question? What was the point of your last post?
Yes, and? You can choose not to act on your attractions too. What's your point?
Why dos being attracted to someone make a man creepy?
OK. That has nothing to do with my post or this article, but thanks for sharing.
People can't choose to whom they are attracted.
It's not the role of a grand jury to find someone responsible for anything...
That is not a TASER. Not too surprising, though, that Jezebel isn't really concerned about facts.
What in the world makes you think that they don't acknowledge that the world is not full of only white people and that not only white people read their magazine?
Wouldn't the "best" valet mode be something that actually takes steps to prevent an accident from happening, rather than something that just allows you to see what happened afterward?
Might the reasoning for this be something as simple as the event simply wouldn't be as exciting or competitive as other swim events?
Is this type of over-done and common video going to be posted every time another person makes one?
"It was right after the lunch rush, and this large WT family party comes strolling in"
I can see that, but much of playing 2nd and short till involves a quick dive for the ball and a fast arm to first. Not to mention the disadvantage they would have at the plate and as baserunners.
How, exactly, would unisex athletics work? I doubt women would see much playing time unless some policy forced them to be given playing time.
Actually, they usually are. Whether it's the random dudebro at a party, the attractive woman by the pool, or the redneck with a big truck, they are there to portray a stereotype.
Perry's costume was as much of a quote of a culture as that kid's costume was a quote of her art.
Yes, it is the same thing. He wore a costume intended to be the same as her's. Why does he get a pass, but Perry is seen as appropriating something?
That's a pretty common thing, you know. Very rarely will background characters in a music video speak or display their personality, even when they're white.
Interesting. An article posted earlier today on Jezebel sang the praises of a young white man dressing up in the same way that Perry gets flak for.