"Anyway it would be lovely if we could simply banish these arbitrary numbers and somehow begin selling clothes based on something useful"
"Anyway it would be lovely if we could simply banish these arbitrary numbers and somehow begin selling clothes based on something useful"
Cultural appropriation much? I wonder how Jezebel would report this if he was dancing around in an Indian headdress.
It certainly is horrible.
Of course men are taught that it is wrong, just as women are taught that theft is wrong. However, both things still happen. What a silly question.
"I do not care about what you think and/or do in life"
You seem to be very confused. I am very happy and successful in my relationships with women.
A comedian makes a joke, huh?
You've posted about me commenting on "hysteria." I've made no such posts. You're either a liar, or you're ignorant.
Why do you feel it necessary to skirt the fact that your posts are riddled with insults and lies?
"You do realize all your posts aren't invisible, yes?"
"The state dictates plenty to private industry. "
By feeling that the state should not dictate to a private entity what insurance it must provide its employees I'm being a dick? I'm mistreating people?
Couldn't y'all have gotten hold of some pics that aren't so washed out?
Yes, I would.
Haha. I'm not whining, nor am I the one posting childish insults.
You still have the right to use your insurance. This ruling does not change that. This ruling simply allows corporations to have less involvement in peoples' medical treatment.
In what way am I being an asshole?
Wrong, but nice troll attempt.
What, exactly, am I misunderstanding?