
Only 2.

Of course I'm right.

Yeah, that's it. It has nothing to do with natural differences in the strength of men vs that of women. It's all because old white guys would rather overlook well qualified female riders (to support the patriarchy, or course) and watch their horses lose, than give some woman a chance to ride.

Do you have a separate guest room, or will it be sleeping on the couch?

Men are, generally speaking, stronger. On average, a 100lb man will be more powerful and physicall capable of controlling a large animal than a 100lb woman.

Well, that's how the law works. Someone can't be convicted of something that's not illegal. Thanks for the newsflash Jezebel.

"You think the word "randomly" only means one thing."

You don't know what the word "randomly" means, do you?

I don't know, but wouldn't this question be better answered by your staff doing a little research and looking at sales numbers, rather than by asking a bunch of people on a car blog who likely don't have much of an idea? What lazy "reporting".