
I might not be as hip to the music of today as I used to be, but Billie Eilish I get 100%. She’s lightning in a bottle and I hope she’ll enjoy a long and successful career.

When us Xers use ‘Boomers’, you know damn well we mean it, because those motherfuckers screwed us too.

What personal issues are you referring to? I know you won’t provide any or offer any arguments as to why he is wrong, but I have to ask anyway.

Millennials are emotional basket cases:

The fun thing about young people being incensed about old people saying things that are out of step with the politics of the current day is - it will happen to you too. You will (assumedly) live long enough that your opinions calcify, the world will change around you to the point where it no longer resembles anything

I appreciate how Jon Hamm, once Mad Men wrapped up, could’ve done the predictable leading man action movie star thing, and basically said “Nah. I’m going to do comedies and weird shit.” And the world is better for it.

However anyone feels about Deadwood critically, the POINT is that it was a TV Western and Jellystone didn’t precede it. We also got Justified before Yellowsnow. Wynonna Earp, which was a sort of Canadian Supernatural by way of Western, came before Hellastoned. Hell, Sheridan was ON a Western-flavored biker drama in

I wonder what it’s like to have a car run into your house, think “Yikes, could this day get any worse?” and then you have to meet Pete Davidson.

Would you immediately denounce a friend of yours if a few people accuse him of being, what, inappropriate? That sounds an awful lot like 1984 or Cold War-era Eastern Europe to me.

Publicists should encourage their celebrity clients to just take off and not work if they like, and just avoid announcing to the world that they are exhausted and need a year off to recover from making a TV show or a movie. There is just a tinge of insufferableness in those pronouncements to the rest of working

“blacked out basically and clocked that it was wrong and I couldn’t stop”

he also, more often than not, rises to the occasion in these situations, especially when everything else is falling apart. like, all that stuff we saw him go through BEFORE the funeral fuelled that.

Jimmy starting to realize it takes a lot of people to make him look mediocre.....

As a reminder, Conan paid all his staff during the last strike

As if people need another reason not to watch Fallon.

I think if anyone doesn’t see Succession as a cautionary tale, they’re probably the same viewers who watched Breaking Bad thinking Walt was the hero.

Like, regardless of my politics, Succession in an aggressively leftist show that is in part about politics. Most of the Roys actively mock their own anchors, viewers, and specifically Mencken as Nazis. I'm just reporting on the text of the show.

nah, Tom is way too much of a striver to ever do a swan dive. if anyone’s gonna do it, it’s Roman.

They talk like this because they are completely unaffected by political ideologies. Observation is easy since they truly are observing, political decisions have zero impact on their lives.

Having had similar fights with girlfriends the night before, like, the biggest day at work the next day, I can promise: Tom isn’t sleeping tonight either.