
Fuck the nets, we want foul balls and autographs, as do many of the people that sit in these sections.  Use some common sense when buying a seat.  Many more people have died, MANY MORE, from falling over railings, yet short railings still exist all over sports.  Why don’t you put your netting there, and then cram it

I’m mostly agnostic on the netting issue but the “if it saves one life” argument is beyond silly.

As ever, fuck the Cubs.

Put up a sign inside the stall reading I know what you picked last Thursday or whatever. Maybe the person possesses enough shame that the mere indication that someone has noticed and disapproves will be enough to get them to stop. Probably not though, so you’ve got to make them think the jig is up, and if they do it

the gap has closed. That was always going to happen. You aren’t the only country with professional players either.

In a time where the world is becoming more and more secular, why is it that such a higher percentage of athletes seem to be so devoted to faith?

It certainly seems that the voters decided most valuable was more applicable to the guy who did well in more facets of the game than just (definitely epic) scoring.

Etymology time! Soccer” is English slang from the 19th century, straight outta Oxford. It was in order to distinguish it from “rugger” or rugby football. “Football” was a general catch-all term for multiple games that were played “on foot” with a “ball” - as opposed to horseback or with a stick. The term was

They play a month in each city being considered for an expansion team - Las Vegas, Charlotte, Portland, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Montreal - and whichever city gets the highest average attendance gets to host the Rays for one year!

In high school our coach used to end practices by setting our kicker up by like 50 yards, literally, in high school, and saying if kicker makes this, practice is over, if not, we run stadiums. The poor bastard never made one. I’m pretty sure our kicker went on to kill hitchbot or something.

Yes, his bunting form shit the bed.

Half of your comment is correct.

That was really horrible bunting form, even for a pitcher. I understand that he needs to protect his throwing hand, but he did not have proper hand positioning to control the barrel of the bat.

Welp, my work productivity just went into a corner and shot itself.

Looking forward to Shadowkeep, but then again Ive been playing an enjoying since the D1 Beta. 

“I think, as a Canadian, we would just never ever think about doing something like that,” 

Exactly what I was thinking.  My parents wanted me out of the house by 10AM on a summer day, and to not see me again until dinner.

I use my right ear, unless I’m standing up to wipe my ass, in which case I will switch. I’m better at phoning with my off-hand than ass-wiping.

More blown money by the Ricketts, so I’m OK with this.  What we need is someone not named Christian Yelich who can hit the ball.