
One could say the same about Seth Meyers.

I don’t feel the need to put a story on all my choices but here’s my top 5:

But you said it and that loses a bit of credibility.

No prosciutto? This is blasphemy.

So hard to pick. I like the combo of Kevin/Kate.

No kidding! That is living the dream. That and Star Trek.

Lakers. Not even close. Just give LeBron the coaching spot. It’s what he does anyway.

LUE: SO, I am the head coach right?

Kyrie found out it ain’t easy to be “The Man.” It takes hard work and he seemed to lack that. Tough to get away with in a city like Boston. He is no leader.

I totally agree. Enough with the bullshit.

This IPA. I would love to see this on a hood of some racecar.

Thank you for actually writing an article on how great The Bucks are playing.

With Tyronn Lue as head coach, Lebron owns Lakerland. It’s going to be a hot mess. Can’t wait.

Agreed. The pitch was too close to take, but it didn’t call for Rendon to be given the ‘ol Heave-Ho. Classic CB Bucknor. He is trash.

Sunglasses: On brim of hat, BUT, upside down. They sit better that way.

If the Beatles came out today, they would be just another fucking Vampire Weekend.

Gazetteer. I have one in the truck in case the shit hits the fan.

It’s a reflection of their leader on the court. Kyrie turns into a bitch when things go bad.

Taking a page from Scherzer and I like it.

You first three words had me almost spit the coffee out of my mouth!