
Seriously, that was such a great gag that ended way too unceremoniously IMO. I would have loved to see "Ed Chambers" introduced earlier in the season, growing more and more integral to the company to the point that the group starts to value "him" more than Jared. Unfortunately the showrunners seem to have decided to

Agreed, I thought it was odd to put Dan on morning show instead of a political show in the first place. Morning shows doing political stories/interviews sometimes, but on a specifically political show he could get way more involved in the other storylines.

It's a little clunky, but personally I didn't find it jarring. The show has gone out of its way to note Taylor's they/their/them preference, so in the review it made sense to continue that syntax. Here's the quote from the article (emphasis mine):

Is it illegal to buy real estate based on insider knowledge? Shady, sure, and definitely harmful to Chuck's political career, but I don't think Senior would face legal consequences from it.

It could also be a bit of self-preservation, no? With Axe arrested, there would be a ton of scrutiny on the new CIO. And Dollar Bill's already been to jail…

Part Adelson, part Marc Rich.

In the Veep world, everything is about personal gain and no one really cares about anything. Obviously there's a large element of that in politics, but real-life politicos are much more idealistic (and/or ideological) than shows like Veep or House of Cards portray, for better and worse.

Yeah, that never sat right with me either. If I were writing Veep (dangerous game!) I would have them start their own "consulting firm" with some nebulous name. Ben finds sleazy clients like Sherman Tanz and the Georgian dictator, while Kent is the data/strategy guru who ostensibly keeps out of the muck. They could

I don't feel like googling it on my work computer, but I'm pretty sure it's a Louis CK joke.

Amy's left her job, Dan seems miserable at his, Kent and Ben work for Jonah. They'll be back with Selina before long if I had to guess. Gary, Mike, and Richard are already there!

I have not! I started Gardens of the Moon once upon a time but didn't follow through with it. Definitely a white whale for me…

I'll go against the grain (so far) and say that Wheel of Time is an incredible epic fantasy series that I very much enjoyed reading. At its best, the depth, world-building, intricate plotting, and political/military intrigue are unequaled.

You think the characters will stay apart? They seem to be heading toward a "getting the gang back together" thing, from what I can tell. No one is happy in their current role (except Jonah), and while they threw cold water on it for now, there is still the possibility of Selina running for some office or another,

I still have a grudge of sorts against David Cross because his book included the same "I don't even want to be doing this" bullshit, multiple times. Especially after admittedly overpaying at an airport book store, I wasn't in the mood to feel privileged at this behind-the-scenes look into the apparently miserable life

Jean-Jacques Rousseau basically invented the modern autobiography and he wrote 3 (!) over the course of his life, so hey, why not.

- No mention of the Dr. Gus/Bryan bonding over samurai culture? That was delightfully ridiculous. I hope they find more excuses to keep Gus around. Have we seen Bryan's Japanese affinity before? Apparently the actor speaks the language.

Depends - where I live (US East Coast) it's 2-day, 1-day, or even same-day depending on the product.

It doesn't solve everything, but amassing enough money to provide for your disabled son and infant daughter is one of nobler motivations imaginable for a meth dealer.