
Yeah, I don't mind staying politically vague when the stakes are almost always personal. But it beggars belief that literally no one (not even the public) seems to care about anything substantial. Hell, living in DC, the most annoying politicos are by far the true believers who hate the other side with a passion.

As an Ohioan my only issue is the implication that there are no Hispanics in the Cleveland area.

I can see it. A lot of politics lifers complain constantly but can't deal with retirement.

I think it's a reference to the Iran hostage crisis, where the Iranians were negotiating with Carter but didn't seal the deal until after Reagan was elected. In retrospect Reagan gets all the credit even though Carter's team arranged nearly everything.

They're also acting like Ianucci never used broad humor. One of the very first episodes was about Selina soiling herself at a frozen yoghurt shop!

We demand more focus on Constitutional minutiae. To the Archives!

This is something that bothers me about the show. It seems to be going for "all politicians are corrupt opportunists," but at the same time there have been clear policy differences that have been focused on (e.g. environmentalism and immigration). Even if you think DC politicians are too cozy with each other, even

If you're serious, it's on Mount Greylock in Massachusetts.

Most authors? Yeah. Fantasy/YA authors? Not really.

"Wampus" and "Pukwudgie" are real… er, "real" magical creatures, though.

I don't think there's any way around it, really, though it would have been a bit better if actual (fictional) Natives had been more involved with the school's founding. She'd also be criticized for ignoring Native American culture if the school was a pure Hogwarts clone.

To be fair, she actually speaks French and just called the French school "fine sticks." But with the French word for "wand" being "baguette" it's hard to blame her.

Pretty sure that was Snape, complete with turning on his crush and calling her a hateful slur when she didn't reciprocate his feelings.

The only thing I can think of is that they're going for a Paul Ryan/Trump scenario where the speaker actually hates his own party's nominee. But they never really established that. Plus, other Republicans would just oust the speaker and hold a new vote (or at least try).

I was pretty excited about them exploring the implications of a tie, and for the most part they did some fun stuff with it (the recount, Jonah's election, Selina jockeying for votes at the Congressional Ball, etc.). But they did sort of write themselves into a corner where none of the options are that satisfying.

Thankfully it's a comically, absurdly unlikely situation. First that the Electoral College would tie to begin with, and then that the House would deadlock indefinitely. I mean even Bush v. Gore was resolved more speedily.

…Wow, can't believe I didn't catch that. I was way over-thinking it and congratulating the show for knowing that one of Ohio's largest Hispanic communities is just outside of Cleveland (Lorain County).

I think people were just happy for some action after a season of mostly stasis. It's (hopefully) pretty clear that Cersei's power play was outrageously psychotic and short-sighted.

Not only did Brienne make him question what kind of man he is – Walder Frey calling himself and Jaime equals made his skin crawl. Jaime has no reason to fight for his family or the Iron Throne if their chosen way to wield power is to prop up bottom-feeders like the Freys.