
Right, had a brain fart there. Thanks!

They really should have gone with "divided" states instead of abstentions. More believable.

They made a few mistakes in this episode already, so they're not infallible. Notably, Jonah's vote is essentially meaningless since NH only has two House voters and the other NH Rep voted for Selina anyway.

Great post. Also interesting that if the Senate fails to pick a VP, the Speaker becomes Acting President. Maybe another gambit is coming?

The less believable part is that a Republican speaker would maneuver to support a Democratic president. I guess there's a parallel in that Paul Ryan pretty much hates Trump, but even still, if he tried to make Joe Biden president he would lose his speakership in a heartbeat.

The House can't confirm the Vice President, only the Senate. And they already confirmed one (James). All he could really do is appoint her as a Senior Advisor or something with the understanding that she's essentially the Veep. But she wouldn't have authority to break Senate ties or anything like that.

So many great DC references in this ep. The Cherry Blossoms, the Gilbert & Sullivan Society (not unique to DC, I know, but I took it as a shout-out to the one at Georgetown Law), Jonah's Georgetown mix-up, just wonderful. Richard's blog is also on point. Clearly a local or two on the writing staff.

That "Sue likes being famous" storyline was one of my least favorite. I thought it was totally out of character then, and I'm glad they corrected it in a way now. Though I suppose it worked in the "DC corrupts everyone" sense.

I'll break out my Constitution-nerd hat and posit that if Selina becomes Veep again, she'll immediately start maneuvering for the House to elect her president. Yep, it's still possible.

I wondered about that too. I think some stuff in this episode has to be taken as about the documentary, not necessarily footage that's in the documentary.

I'm more convinced in my head-canon than ever that Dan went to Dartmouth. Would align neatly with Jonah's inferiority complex having gone to UNH.

This show's DC references are so great. Georgetown Visitation is an actual prep school right next to the Georgetown University campus. I understand why they didn't want to use the real name.

It made no sense, but Gary Cole has the gravitas to pull it off. I can at least see "motorcyclist" even if "Latino motorcycle gang" is way too far.

I laughed hysterically at Richard in The Mikado, especially since there actually is a Gilbert & Sullivan Society at Georgetown Law that some friends of mine are involved in. Wonderful local detail.

There is a LOT of competition for "grossest thing said on Veep" (let alone The Thick of It), but I think this one wins.

Haha, true, it's so rare for a villain to get comeuppance that I can't say a part of me wasn't expecting Ramsay's escape.

I don't think they need to move on from Pied Piper, but it really needs to take that next step. There is plenty of material to be mined from the transition from a startup to a legit company — we've seen some of that this season, but they keep re-setting (e.g. moving from the office back to Erlich's house) after any

Relatedly, the Cavs commissioned a 16-piece puzzle that looks like the Larry O'Brien trophy, and added a piece after each victory. It worked out that each of the 15 players and the head coach got to do one, too.

Plus, there have to be more than 20,000 nerds who would use something like this, right? Hell, I'm pretty far from an engineer, but essentially lossless file storage sounds pretty awesome even if the UI sucks. It's a little odd how afraid Richard seems to trumpet his revolutionary algorithm. It's the lynchpin of their

Yeah, that was bizarre to have Monica bring up real concerns with the beta only to walk them back for no real reason. They could have made her a member of the team with valuable insight, but instead had her basically say to Richard that (despite her prestigious VC position) she's really just guessing about this stuff.