
Really? I'd say they've had their share of adversity this season. Much of it self-inflicted, sure, but still not exactly success.

My theory is that Cersei will flee the city rather than submit to a trial, and will head for Jaime's army at Riverrun. Right around where the BwB is active…

These guys rock live. So much unabashed fun.

Much better live than recorded

Funnily enough, their video for "Platinum Girls" is a direct homage to Pete & Pete. I guess they embrace the comparison.

Don't let them know you enjoyed The Simpsons past season 4.

Makes it even more perplexing, really. The one correct thing this drummer said is that the University of Dayton is a cesspool of awful frat parties and binge drinking. How she then concludes that alcohol is the problem instead of entitled private-school fuckheads committing crimes with impunity is mind-boggling.

Yeah, THIS guy only held down and mounted her unconscious body behind a Dumpster! Too bad that devil alcohol made him do it!

Or the AI concludes that our species has run its course

I believe he said on the podcast that it's the same instrumental. It does sound different, though, as even Scott pointed out. Maybe it is mixed/mastered slightly differently or something.

It helps to realize that while Mike isn't intentionally incompetent, he's basically kept around as a convenient meat shield for Selina.

Yeah, I've been a doing a re-watch with a friend and I had forgotten how vicious Kent was when he was introduced back in S2. He loved numbers, sure, but also (very humanly) had complete disdain for Selina, Ben, Dan… pretty much everyone.

They've mentioned Cersei's trial by combat several times now — I have to imagine it will be this season. I hope it is, anyway.

Other than book-reader hype, no, not really. But I imagine it could go like:

Yeah, I thought his rationale made total sense. Davos made a good point last episode that while Northerners may or may not be more loyal than others, in the end they're still human. They're going to protect their own interests first.

I generally don't mind the Tyrion in Meereen storyline (way better than his story in ADwD), but one episode his plot was literally having nothing to talk about. At that point you have to either make something else up or just leave him out of the episode.

I don't really see it that way. People who try to create a "better world" like Jon and Dany keep getting killed, rebelled against, etc. To "win" they are likely going to be just as ruthless as anyone.

I think he and Dany are learning parallel lessons about leadership. Both have tried at various times to be reasonable, negotiate, etc., and both have had that nature taken advantage of by their enemies. Both have only earned respect from violence and conquering and both have struggled to govern.

Yes, and unfortunately we still carry strong remnants of that attitude today. The idea that there is a single "white" race at all is unscientific and fairly ludicrous.