
Agreed, unfortunately it wasn't marketed that way (at least that I saw). I was expecting a humorous movie with a veneer of action, and instead the action scenes were surprisingly good while the humor was something of an afterthought.

The relative lack of humor was the biggest disappointment for me. I can forgive all the cliche action stuff if the characters and dialogue are sparkling otherwise. (Again, Pineapple Express is the gold standard here, not to mention Zombieland!) The screening I saw was mostly for media, and I remember thinking that

So, I saw an advance screening of this, and while I agree with most of the positives in this review, the negatives weighed a little heavier on me.

Or Hamm-Bu-Loni

It's the most blatant joke of that type, but they made a few others.

Eh, sounds like a lot of work. Much easier to just bleed to death in the desert :)

Right, but then what? He has no money, no clothes, and violent gangsters still want to kill him. He's probably deduced that the Armenians sold him out, so he has no one left to call on. It's TV logic to some degree, but I can see why giving up the suit would be too much for Frank.

I agree. S1 felt like it had been percolating in Pizzolatto's head for a long time, and while still imperfect, resulted in a more whole and cohesive story. Throughout this season, while it had plenty of good moments, I felt like the rush of single-handedly writing 8 episodes in one year was evident.

Good post overall, but I think you're missing the point of Frank's suit. For one thing, he was almost certainly trying to hang on to the millions of dollars' worth of diamonds he had in his pocket. That's why he was so willing to give up the bag of cash (not that he could have protected it anyway).

Yeah, the themes are very generally similar but differ in some significant ways. For me, the main difference is that the cult/cabal in S1 was strictly partaking in weird pagan desires. Their political power allowed them to cover up their crimes, but other than that their political lives were pretty much separate.

…I read that as "Invasion of the Bernie Sanders." I need to go outside.

Or: An older Frain is on some future version of Tinder. An attractive redhead invites him over for "Netflix and chill." When he arrives, instead of the expected Friends and pizza, an old detective movie plays on the TV and the smell of ganga permeates the air. As Ray's wizened father chokes the life out of Burris, he

After the first episode, I was convinced that Woodrugh was impotent, and that those who thought he was guy were reading too much into things. Personally, I think a story about a vet suffering from PTSD/anxiety/depression that precludes him having a normal romantic relationship with a woman would have been more


Ah yes, the Joffrey Effect

…What could that kid possibly have going on that's more important than a WHAS reunion?!

I definitely laughed out loud a few times. Off the top of my head:

The "piece of schnit" line triggered something in me. There was always that kid who had to violate the spirit of a rule without technically breaking it.

Really? I've seen them twice and they were awesome both times. Must have just caught them on a bad night.

The cast on CBB would be great, but I'm not sure they need to be in character.