
Yeah, I think they'll show Thorne and Jon bonding (of sorts) outwardly, while in retrospect it will be clear that Thorne was just biding his time.

Bol-Tang Clan Ain't Nothin' to Jape With

Yep, I think Roose even mentions that he suspects Ramsay of having killed some other (half?) siblings already. He's not even disappointed, just kind of resigned.

Wikipedia? Just watch Seinfeld, with certain special episodes of The Wonder Years for flavor.

The outrageous tabloids are more familiar than anyone with libel laws, though, so they know how to skirt the bounds of them. For example, a story that reads "sources say Tony Blair is a twat" is simply reporting "facts," as long as actual sources said that at some point.

I have higher hopes for Avengers 2 simply because the characters (and actors) are more established and thus more likely to be able to carry a giant action movie that is otherwise pretty formulaic. Guardians was not only formulaic, but none of the characters (outside of the raccoon, maybe) were interesting at all. The

I'm wasting my life has to be the winner. Er, "winner."

Yeah, I didn't agree with his rationale for hating the song, but I have to give him props for picking Radiohead on this site. Way more interesting than yet another jaded comedian "hating" a vapid pop song that no one likes anyway.

I thought the pilot showed a lot of promise, but episode 2 was contrived and disappointing for the most part. The main cast all has good chemistry, at least, though Nate Torrence's character unfortunately embodies the "too dumb to live" trope. Gwen says below that episode 3 is much better, so I'll give it a shot.

Totally agree. One of my few nitpicks of New Girl is that they go the well of "keep the camera on someone for an awkwardly long time" too often. It just smacks of an inability/unwillingness to write a real joke, as fun as it can be to watch Max Greenfield flounder.

Pretty sure you're allowed to just take the cash value of the prize, instead.

His old project Marvelous Darlings is really good, too.

Nah, some frats are quite proud of how fratty they are. However, every AV Clubber's fraternity was obviously the anti-fraternity. Mine totally was, bro!

It never feels good to be used as a bargaining chip. Why wouldn't she be upset about that? Petrov didn't have to push that hard to get her fired, and that just underlined how expendable and inconsequential her role in the Underwood administration was.

Ooh, that would be fun. I wish Willimon et al would embrace the ridiculousness a little more. Right now Frank is a barely more exciting Gerald Ford. He needs to shake things up, and not just through appropriations chicanery.

Yeah, not only that, but… an entire book? Who would read that? How about a magazine article to start, or something. The guy's video game review showed that he could write well in short doses.

Yeah, that's what I mean. At one point he claimed that his "friend" did all that stuff and wrote the first half of Scorpio. Later, Tom admitted that he was the one turning tricks (and presumably the sole author).

Yeah, that might have worked better. It doesn't offer much for conservatives, though. Republicans are at least in favor of entitlement cuts in theory even if they don't like them in practice. Still, even including defense in the mix would have made the entitlement cuts less draconian. And might have had some

The Mendoza thing was baffling. Did the actor quit or something? I'm also thinking of Frank jumping into the presidential race without any explanation. He made a primetime speech solely about how he wouldn't run for re-election! I assumed he had some more interesting plan to go around the leadership, but it turned out

I think you're looking at her actions/motivations too narrowly. This isn't just about what happened in season 3. It's about decades of repressed ambitions and desires. Everything that happened to her in season 3 is perfectly defensible in isolation, but all together it's enough to make her question what she's doing