
Yep. I remember my Midwestern middle school cancelled a trip to Washington, D.C. because of 9/11… in 2003. Probably just a cover for budget cuts, but I wish they would have said that so people would have been mad at our incredibly low education budget instead of "terrorists."

Clearly you're not a Gold Select member. Back to Long Island with you!

"Shmuley," FYI, it's a derivative of the Hebrew name "Shmuel" (Samuel)

Late to this thread, but green is also the opposite of red on the color wheel. (Or so I recall from middle school…)

I'm just catching up this show, but anyway the title was really interesting for me. My thought is similar to others' in that it's a veiled reference to Lester. How much of yourself can you change/remove and still remain "you"? Think of the adjectives that would apply to episode 1 Lester – meek, gentle, nervous,

I don't really care one way or the other about an LA team, but I have a hard time believing any owner/the NFL would move a team there if they didn't think there was a viable market. Tens of millions of people live in the LA metro area; not that many, comparatively, have to become fans of the new team to vastly exceed

I have a friend who was an extra of sorts in an Olive Garden commercial, of all things. She's an actress, so I think they just put out a casting call the same as any other acting gig. Though in my friend's case she was clearly identifiable on screen – not sure what the qualifications are for "guy in the distance."

Whoa whoa whoa, there are way better illegal streams out there. I mean, so I hear.

It's really, really good. I used to live in Columbus and had it all the time. Still, it's available in more and more major cities these days – definitely not worth $200 for 12 pints.

Yeah, football super-fans share a lot of characteristics with "nerds."

OK, I need to get something off my chest that's been bothering me.

Depends on if you consider the grading here to be absolute or relative. Compared to other shows, B-99 is always well above average. But compared to the rest of B-99, some episodes are obviously better than others, so it makes sense that there will be a range of grades.

You mean murinal?

I agree, though I would say they almost went too far out of their way to make Jake's choices seem rational, if tepid. There was no guarantee that the sort of heavy-handed authoritarianism Amy was advocating wouldn't backfire exactly as Jake feared. It just so happened that talking tough for a few lines was enough to

It's a Japanese emoticon set that people realized were installed by default on their phones. Now used in place of real words/thoughts/feelings.

That storyline was totally worth it just for Kroll's monologue about what separates men from animals

What was the explanation for Missy choosing Clara? If there was a throwaway line I must have missed it.

Steve Earle had a much more prominent part in Treme, as well.

I thought we just wanted a womb of one's own…

Ironically, the most recent NFL penalty for praying in the end zone was against a Muslim, the Chiefs' Husain Abdullah.