
I feel like you can't win with this feature. Either you pick something legitimately bad and are criticized for hating on something that everyone already hates, or you pick something most people like (e.g. RATM) and are criticized because your inherently personal reasons don't stand up to scrutiny.

We all came early

Piper says it was political at lunch with Sister Ingalls and Yoga Jones, then Ingalls scoffs at "fake hippies." I'm not sure if Piper knows that for a fact or is just guessing, though.

Rome's first season was 12 episodes, the second was 10. Still only one shooting location AFAIK.

Lost didn't have 4 shooting locations or nearly the amount/intensity of CGI that Game of Thrones does.

I'll add that LSH does not seem to be definitively cut. In another interview with Fairley (I think TVLine) it's a lot more ambiguous, and the only firm conclusion is that D&D had no plans to include LSH in season 4 — which, of course, we already knew. I don't think there have been any decisions made about season 5.

I just copy+paste into Word and use Shift+F3 to change it to "sentence case."

I thought Tyrion's plan was to accompany Aegon back to Westeros and exact his revenge on Cersei (among others) — that seems reason enough to be giddy to me.

What's interesting is that GRRM starting writing these books specifically because he was fed up with the logistical limitations of TV. I do agree that his general storytelling style (slow burn to "holy shit" to cliffhanger) does work well for TV, though.

FWIW, in the books, it's pretty clear that Tyrion strangling Shae was a pretty monstrous thing to do, and he feels intense guilt about it. I feel like that's going to be hard to cover in the show, though, since we don't get the characters' internal monologues.

I don't think this is a spoiler, since he has appeared on the show (briefly), but Tywin does have a brother, Kevan Lannister.

When he brought up Sansa, I was sure he was going to pretend to have raped her just to push Arya over the edge. I think the problem with that is that it might confuse viewers into thinking he actually raped her, since it's been two years since the Hound left King's Landing.

If one of the guards said "Lord Baelish" was in charge, you can bet the Hound is going the opposite direction as fast as possible. He knows Littlefinger, and Littlefinger doesn't leave loose ends. Remember what he did to Dontos?

"Blatt" means "leaf" so he could just change it to Dovid Goldleaf or something.

I'm guessing Martin has the uncanny ability to Westeros-ify pretty much any name. For example, he wrote a friend named Patrick from Montreal as "Ser Patrek of King's Mountain."

Not to mention he's actually quite prolific! 200 pages/year is nothing to complain about – we're just spoiled by 1,000+ page books. That's not even counting the Dunk and Egg tales and TV scripts.

I kind of hope they go that route — leave Jorah out of the show for so long that his eventual re-appearance is suitably jarring.

Yeah, I know realism isn't a priority on *Veep* (which is fine), but no reputable publication would ever allow a reporter to cover a candidate if said reporter is married to that candidate's communications director. I could see Mike feeding her info in the hopes that she'd pass it along to colleagues, but that's about

"…he can't bollock Selina because he has nothing to threaten her with. She doesn't work for the British government, after all."

I was expecting that twist, as well — looks like Ianucci and co. decided to subvert the subversion by having him perform as terribly as one should expect. (Though he may still have a comeback, who knows…)