
I checked out the original data source — D.C.'s would be Phosphorescent!

I don't know, I think I'd have to give it Idaho for Tegan and Sara.

Many states have direct election of state Supreme Court justices, though curiously enough New York is not one of them.

It sounded like he combines the two into "Somellian" or something like it.

That's true, it's not a show where anyone has a remotely normal job. (I guess maybe "kindergarten teacher," but even then her salary/rent is wildly unrealistic.) Even Lily's dad is a board game inventor!

Eh, that's not that unrealistic with a grad degree in econ. The pay would be shit – on top of NYC cost of living and enormous loans from NYU – but some sort of NGO work is pretty plausible.

Not to mention Robin (journalist) and Lily (I'm counting "art consultant" in the "gallery owner" category).

There's no way they would have mentioned that Babou is somewhere in the mansion without that paying off somewhere down the line. Chekov's ocelot!

I found this a definite step up from last week, while agreeing with a lot of the problems that Genevieve mentions. In particular, the best man speech contained some very necessary follow-up. Watson finally gets to hear some appreciation from Sherlock instead of deflections, excuses, and emotional manipulation. Between

It was a pretty common gag on Moffat's *Coupling* too, sorry to say. Definitely mars some otherwise excellent series.

She owns multiple Lycra bodysuits, and you have to question whether she's a sexual deviant?

I agree, he felt a little out of place at first, but now Joe Lo Truglio is really shining in the role. Goes to show that you can't judge everything from the pilot – I couldn't see how Lo Truglio and Crews, especially, could be incorporated consistently.

Your post made me realize that Peralta is basically the "highly competent-yet-abrasive detective whose personal life is a shambles" found in pretty much every cop show, à la Jimmy McNulty on *The Wire*. (What TV Tropes apparently deems the "Defective Detective." Link withheld to spare sanity.)

Surprised at the review, as this was A material for me. Sure, there isn't much in the way of progression or character development, but is that why any of us watch *Workaholics*? The best we can ask for is an insane and somewhat surprising take on the guys, and this episode definitely qualifies. All of the guys got

Plus, any minority character you do incorporate will inevitably be criticized as "token," which I recall happening with Donald Glover last year. It's hard to pull off organically at this point because it's a subject that so many people are looking at so critically.

Not really, it could be easily be worth it for them to settle regardless of whether the claim is valid

Israeli savings bonds, obviously

As a Cleveland sports fan… the Steelers and/or basically any good team.

The way this show treats Winston, I feel like he's going to get really excited about becoming a cop and then end up as a security guard or something.

If it's just changing a job title, Ben could probably do it himself, or even Ron if they kept the position in the Parks department for some reason. If they're creating something new and/or allocating more money there would probably need to be something passed by the city council. But every place is different.