War Bastard

Even Lars Von Trier thinks Sutter went a little too far in the pain and misery department.

More like Sterling Archer IRL

….Can I go now?

I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends, it's a personal statement about the band itself.

"So, yeah, our tax dollars and pledge drives paid for this."


And so it begins…..

"Wasn't John Saxon in this movie?"

Agreed; Handlen wrote a nice passage about how Kim Coates can actually redeem a character with some pretty irredeemable qualities. Between the scene with Venus, and the scene a couple of eps ago where he fired a warning shot at the redneck who was slapping around that kid at the Day Prostitute's house ("Go ahead, hit

[Dikachu nose-smothers Core Concept]

Are we still talking about Mulaney?

Fuck yo' floor

Stupid git.

Feel better?

YES!! Yeeeeeesssss! We're still in a dialogue!

/said in Joel Hodgson's voice

"Well, what do you call it then?"

Great Western or GTFO

Thanks! I'm having an awesome day, Flip Phone! It's funny that you're talking about enlightenment, when all you've done is use personal, ad hominem attacks against me. That tells me all I need to know about you. You should maybe take a step back and reevaluate some things; in the meantime, I'm sure Rogan is

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