It might help if the streamers dyed their hair.
It might help if the streamers dyed their hair.
Where would anyone be able to even start to paint like the old masters? Impressive work.
This doesn’t SEM like A good idea.
Two Wheels Good.
Pretty fancy. Wonder if they’re sensitive enough to be able to hear foot steps in an fps...
They all still look bored/annoyed to be in this video game.
Huh. Cap with brown hair works surprisingly well.
Rocksteady struck gold with the Arkham series combat system, as well as the detective puzzles too, shame how underused it was for the story.
It would be cool if they integrated VR controls. Works pretty ok with CSGO.
Look how they massacred my main...
Not too disappointing. Just that this game looksss... average, in terms of the team that's behind it. Hopefully this title offers local co-op, I'd love to be able to play something like Ultimate Alliance without having to buy a Switch.
Methinks this is another case of a game being overshadowed by its own hype. I hope I’m wrong.
Kill it with fir-y'awwww!
Ah, yes. The pre-MTV of video games. Well, here's to another dead horse risen. In all seriousness though, I kind of am hoping it'll succeed in finding a (niche?) audience large enough to support them.
No pink fish? Carry on, then.
Can't wait to pick mine up at the auction after an aspiring BJ Baldwin puts the shiny side on the ground. Jokes aside, this is a solid (and good looking) competitor. It's about time.
Drunk online MK11. Makes for interesting headcanon that the characters are just die-hard (in the literal sense) rival sportsfans.
I hope they have a closed course for this, the promo showing the races on the sidewalk/streets kind of spell disaster.
That knight with the furnace and rifle is pretty cool. Steampunk aesthetic is a slippery slope between bad ass & cringeworthy.