You... you need to Go.
You... you need to Go.
You’re the one who needs to calm down a bit. It was clearly a joke; even more so if you bothered to watch the GIF, much less the clip in the tweet.
Meanwhile at the From Software offices...
Good thing for them they are not a bunch of liberal Americans there in Japan.
“A Disney Wind Waker? Could have been fun!”
So basically strapping the game pad to your face and 2 wii-motes? xD Jokes aside, I’m glad Nintendo might be giving this a shot. I’m to hesitant to shell out the money for a Rift or Vive, but being an affordable console component to a Nintendo System, like with Sony VR, is a great entry point for dudes like me. Plus…
Yeah, Djawadi outdid himself with the score for this ep. Killer stuff during that opening sequence—when that piano motif came in I half thought they were gonna start playing a pop tune? Like, Chris Martin starts singing
Well now I know why they call it King’s Landing.
Season 7 opens with Jorah running into Gendry, who’s been rowing this whole time
Or perhaps 10 years from now we might look back your comment and be amazed at how much both technology and people’s mindset change over time.
Welcome to the family, son. <barfs>
He’s like the “Kenny, the inbred white tiger” of the dragon world. It really is awful.
Wish they would get rid of that objectively awful Skylanders design.
Okay “yelling” is an overstatement. I made a scrunched up incredulous face and said, “Seriously?”
Harley will have to produce a bike with the touring range that most Harley riders need. Say about a 20 miles will do.
So do we get to experience his parents murder in VR?
Normally I’d agree but I love seeing anything Facebook buys fail so so so so much.
Maybe it’s just me, but every piece of art based on this logo looks less and less cool.
The Ardrey Kell High School talent show: You pay for the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge