jesus’ existance is debatable
jesus’ existance is debatable
new game unlike others... becausr it has been made and its just untested ideas!
I don’t get the appeal of Poe, he left Finn to die and lost the plans.
i agree with you, it Gear VR rocks, the tech wont be ready for Vive until they ditch the cables for backpack pcs
point really doesny stand, the quality gap between Gear VR and google cardboard is enormous, its a completely different experience
Walking Dead had an awesome season 5, best in the series finally felt like the zombie show I was hoping for and subsequently collapsed again
my biggest takeaway from VR is... love it.. just not games
is he a cool cat? he kinda woke up first and left finn to die in the sand, then was surprised but happy to see he didnt
some dudes decided he wanted the psychotic female character that murders for fun to be a good role model for his daughter by changing her victory pose, and blizzard agreed
Donald Trump alone can fix this.
if they need made it, it would be
ive tried it, the review: all other forms of porn are greatly inferior, thats all you need to know
true, but its pseudo random in WA. It rotates through the optional wind strengths, rather than being entirely randim. for example you never get the same wind strength / direction twice in a row, and it will always do an almost even distribution of the power strengths. so you can guess whether or not you have a high…
once you master the bazooka, the wind not only becomes predictable, you can make shots you couldn’t without it, it makes the weapons more useful rather than less
true, its not what happened, but that definitely does happen and i always treat call centers responders with respect and patience.
why would their lack of a home make their murder sprees moral?
glad you had a better experience, but it feels like your trying to invalid what happened to me. that said, i like your story about how and why they hung up on me, it was very imaginative and believable, some might even believe you were actually there and thats what happened, obviously we both know you weren’t and made…
for me one of the problems was that they didnt respond. i waited 1-3 hours to get through to them all the time, sometimes theyd just hang up. they also tried to charge me every month for my own wifi receiver, id prove i bought, theyd correct it, next month try to charge me again lastly. the internet was also a lot…
I pay $70 for 20mbps with verizon. As soon as I left the state I was living in and didnt have to deal with the monopoly of comcast... I planned on never using them again, so far so beautiful. You know what it’s like to call customer service and they respond? Its amazing.
yeah, well its still valid, they arent lying when they say that some of the experiences are sickening, its still one of the coolest tech gadget ive owned though