my biggest takeaway from VR is... love it.. just not games
my biggest takeaway from VR is... love it.. just not games
some dudes decided he wanted the psychotic female character that murders for fun to be a good role model for his daughter by changing her victory pose, and blizzard agreed
true, but its pseudo random in WA. It rotates through the optional wind strengths, rather than being entirely randim. for example you never get the same wind strength / direction twice in a row, and it will always do an almost even distribution of the power strengths. so you can guess whether or not you have a high…
once you master the bazooka, the wind not only becomes predictable, you can make shots you couldn’t without it, it makes the weapons more useful rather than less
why would their lack of a home make their murder sprees moral?
yeah, well its still valid, they arent lying when they say that some of the experiences are sickening, its still one of the coolest tech gadget ive owned though
the main point is though, once you try it, even if its not the perfect headset, you know theres no way it wont catch on, its really awesome. They have one video with a dinosaur that is just really freaking cool to experience.
Its not that bad, it depends on how they do it. Slow movement is ok.
I felt terrible the first time, now it doesn’t effect me in the same way. I think I look at the screen different, rather than look at it as an artificial reality, I look it at more as a screen with an illusion, with a limited FOV thats comfortable to look at and that different expectation and focal point for my eyes…
I got the GearVR Sumsung headset. Its really freaking cool, but the weird thing is, games are the least interesting experience. Going places, watching things, is way more entertaining, and linear movement really is sickening. Ill be excited to see more interactive movie like experiences.
I spent two years building a video game and kept all the files in a folder on my desktop. It deleted 3 gigs worth of files and 2 years of my life and free time. All gone. Fortunately, I backed most of it up last september, having lost a great deal of digital content ive created in the past I trust computers 0% to…
When I first heard about this, I figured that was Microsofts plan, but they managed to convince me it wasn’t by the way they wrote it, seems like they were really sneaky and it was the plan.
Max payne was easily number one. Soul Reaver, Raziel, should have been on the list too, his entire three game story arc is brooding.
I bought it, I didn’t find it challenging enough. First couple levels had promise, but I hit a point where I was 20 levels in and felt like I was still playing the tutorial.
Survival mode is a snorefest, its so boring. Battle Royale is amazing, one of the best multiplayer games ever made. Like Kilian said, if you’ve seen the Hunger Games or read Battle Royale, its just like that only this time its you on the island fighting to be the last man standing against 120 people.
Thats newt Gingrich obviously.
its better than our holograms
H1Z1, battle royale rocks.
hmm... pretty sure im explaining the specs correctly, but goodluck with your $900 rig
They also need to bare in mind, that the $1500 computer they need, is bare minimum specs, its not going to be the VR experience they want. It takes epic amounts of GPU to produce 2k, 90fps, stereoscopic rendering. They should try running a game at 4k , antiliased and see if they hit that 180fps minimum price tag for a…