Guys, we could just leave the door open when privacy isn't an issue :P
Guys, we could just leave the door open when privacy isn't an issue :P
haha he said almost anything to get a shot at the Presidency
It won't be a place where humans should go and live anytime soon, its like trying to keep a hamster alive at the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean in a lead box, even if money wasn't an issue, just the technical requirements alone makes it close to impossible.
All you have to do is feed it, watch its vital signs and protect it, it doesn't have to be a loving father.
I hated the concept, but having seen the trailer the cynic in me was defeated by the pure awesomeness of another terminator movie and watching old terminator kill young terminator.
So ... wrong... i laughed.
Id be nervous too, heading face first into a wall.
Amazing, but is it a particle or a wave.... JK. I want to know moreeeee!
Hate to admit it, but I stopped playing SC2 almost a year ago and I still watch the occasional match between top pros.
When does it disappear? When you close the internet tab disappointed.
Fifth Element is one my list of nearly perfect movies and of course Aliens.
They should redo Prometheus, with my dream team. Cinematography / Soundtrack by Ripley Scott, Directed by James Cameron, co-written by the writers of True Detective and Edge of Tomorrow.
You are right, its not an example of "evil feminists" censoring a game, they aren't evil its questionable why they "must be" feminists because they value human dignity. The real world acts of violence against women that offends them are utterly deplorable, but whoever they are, however honest and smart, they don't…
They should ban Photoshop next, the disturbing images that software "encourages" anyone to make is a threat to society. What about books, jeez, Game of Thrones should be burnt in a nice big fire to protect society, the amount of rape and violence... Burn the books, burn the Photoshop and burn the Video Games.
The answer is 42
Yup, I never get them right anymore. Even when all the letters seem completely obvious. The Captcha reads "ABC" so I type "ABC" and Captcha responds "Wrong! That was a upside down V overlapped by a hyphen followed by a 1 3 and then the first 48 digits of Pi. Try again"
It would suck to be a pedestrian in the GTA universe you move at realtime speed but your day is only an hour, gives you half and hour to get up and go back to bed. Gl being productive! No wonder so many of them resort to quick thrills and crime.
A giant Jenga set, this is bound to turn out well.
Super cool
You can't go faster than the fastest speed, so hypothetically the baseball is the going the speed of light, but in reality you weren't capable of producing the incredible force it would take to throw a baseball, your space collapsed in on itself from the astronomically huge increase in mass before it ever even got…
I think I lean towards Quantum Realism. It makes sense to me that as objects become "more observable" they become more constrained by the limitations of the observer. By the time they become "large" enough to be observed by a blunt instrument like the eyeball, enormous amounts of data has already been discarded and we…