You do know that there is quite a bit market online for able bodied 20 something women willing to crawl around accept treats and play with bells, especially if they do it naked like the dog.
You do know that there is quite a bit market online for able bodied 20 something women willing to crawl around accept treats and play with bells, especially if they do it naked like the dog.
Well my beard thinks you are gross, and since beards have a hive mind Leo's beard now thinks the same.
My heart goes out to this poor kid, but you know who is also a victim to this terrible situation the driver that killed her now he/she will have to live their entire life knowing they killed a kid, just because she had to commit suicide in the most selfish way possible making another person a killer.
Certain third world shitholes might take offence for being compared to the US.
I missed the part about the ass, being called fat wouldn't bother me one bit being called any kind of ass is just rude.
If a description of the way you look is hurtful maybe try changing the way you look? I doubt you would have been offended if it said brunette or tall.
xenophobia is what makes Europe Europe, without it we would be uncultured swines like Americans who hate people for their skin colour instead of hating them for havinga different language culture and history.
Are there a lot of restaurant employees who don't have internet access?
My comments were for naught since as I said you are practically having an argument with yourself.
Where did I blame my kids for me spaniking them, as I said I had no other tools left naturally my own actions led to that point, had been there more looked more carefully or paid more attention to signs I might have never had to spank my kids, but humans by flawed beings and I wasn't perfect, but as I said it all…
So American exceptionalism is based in racism because America was seen as diferent and better as old colonial nations who invented racism?
First you are fixating on Germany far to much, the things I said hold true for France and Italy it's about some Americans thinking those places are dangerous even though statistically they are far more safer than the USA.
The problem with the whole spanking debate is a complete lack of nuance, so you end up with people who are in completely diferent ends of a spectrum taking the same side.
I have no doubt you can live your entire life without meeting people who are afraid of traveling to Western Europe and don't end up looking like deer and ice the whole time there, but that does not mean they don't exist, it's not like I said that most Americans are like that but there is plenty of them who are like…
ehh who even cares, like the only people who know that MRA's exist are other MRA's and online feminists.
I am quite sure Belgium is the Ohio of Europe.
Russia is fucked for one simple reason for most countries their future is uncertain, for Russia it's their past that is uncertain and always changing.
Well at least visiting them won't bancrupt you, although the whole giving public assets to the church to manage to the point where they are the second biggest employer in the country is ridiculous and thankfully some politicians are fighting against.
It should be set in Ohio or something, just to really fuck with people.
It's terrible when people decide to take their lives and it's especially tragic in this case, but could people stop making other people killers in the process? That is such an asshole move that truck driver will have to live his whole life knowing he killed a kid asking himself if he could have done something…