
I’ll take even a 10% reduction of the chance that I’m going to pass a flu virus on to an elderly person, an infant or an immunocompromised person. I’m young (relatively) and healthy, and I work in an office, ride public transit, and work out in a gym. If I get the flu, I’m infecting thousands of people before I even

Sharks and Jets just won’t stop going at it, eh

billionaires cannot be trusted and we should not clamor to elect them, even if they’re Oprah.

I like how when taxes are cut for the rich and we criticize it, we all get yelled at about how “it’s not a zero-sum game!!”



Space society will be utterly socialist. That’s how much resources are out there, and how much you’ll depend on robots to do everything outside your habitats. Even if there are a trillion humans, you’ll have enough space for each one to have several mansions. If your machines gain sentience, you’ll just give them

Bad taste is our largest export.

So you can be illegal and wasted on marijuana and live in that state and be just fine.

I’ve never understood the draw for LCD Soundsystem. They have like 5 or 6 good songs max.

Oh Mr. Vice President, you truly are a gift to the nation.

Water Sports.. I see what you did there.

That’s every fan base out there. Music, TV, film, etc. Sort of like when a band releases a lot of albums over time with certain stylings...

I am sick of these Hoolywierd Sjw’s.

Ghost Luke should just hang out watching Kylo sleep, to scare the crap out of him every time he wakes up.

Lando should’ve appeared on the casino planet... in some kind of ad. Lando should’ve used his success and fame for destroying the second Death Star to make himself into a galaxy-wide celebrity, who, decades later, had to resort to shilling for the Star Wars equivalent of Colt45 ads, which would’ve been a nice

limited edition Kenner electronic Lightsaber

Because of reasons the writers could waste time making up but I’d rather they spent that time not catering to people who don’t know how to suspend their disbelief while watching a movie about space wizards with laser swords.

“Wonderful Christmastime” may be the worst song in the history of music.

No. You’re demonstrably wrong. I have the best take on Star Wars, and everyone who disagrees is a dumb idiot who didn’t get it. Those people should just turn in their fandom badges and stop polluting my rarefied air with their ungainly lung spasms. I have a youtube video out where I clearly explain what obviously went