Wanker Supreme

Lifetime Houston suburbian, can confirm. I certainly exceed the speed limit more than I should... but there’s a certain etiquette I follow (right or wrong) - no lane diving, lane sliding, phone use or tailgating, and only when traffic is light enough to allow... otherwise I’m moving with the flow, because I realize

Preach brother!

at least the truck nuts are quickly becoming a thing of the past...

My math (which I make no guarantees) comes up with the following:

That sounds like a solid business model :)

Wait, what!!?? 2" max lift??? That gives me the Jackie Chan face...

Is anyone else annoyed that they didn’t properly line up the wheels vertically/horizontally for the photos?

Neutral: probably 8 in the right application but 6 in my wife’s ‘11 Edge is too many... Damn thing can’t seem to figure out which one to pick... However 6 in my ‘12 Tundra is fine... I’d like to see what 7 it’s 8 would do for economy