
It was “too soon” in the sense that we were barely scooting on our bellies when we made the goal to run marathons.

How about get rid of that, plus the salary cap, plus the draft while we’re at it.

Roads are built for an paid by cars/trucks. Bike paths are made for cars.

I’ve often said that.

What kind of asshole would celebrate like that against someone who clearly had no chance.

It should be but in my defense driving with the terrain helps me get my fuel economy from 21-22 MPG to 27-28 MPG. Maintaining a speed wastes fuel when going up hill.

I have to applaud Deadspin for this kind of coverage. I though the France article was a one off but covering the the whole Women’s World Cup is something to be lauded for.

You’re the real hero here.


Let’s recap:

Son - you interjected yourself quite moronically into another persons thread with a bunch of literary diarrhea. Wasting your life on the internet is the best thing you have going.

If you could’ve pulled a single study why didn’t you? If it’s so easy to prove your point why keep pulling from the same shitty source? Anyone who wants to bolster their arguments would pull from data rich, multi-variant analyses instead of a single source.

Your first link has nothing to do with wait times - it has to do with life expectancy and cost.

I always find it’s the dumbest, most biased people that need to place people in a box to secure their well-being and world view. Thank you for proving me right over and over again.

Name calling, check.

Perhaps they are but it wasn’t part of the discussion nor did anyone present any studies supporting that assertion.

OECD says the data is not comparable.

It’s behind a paywall. Thus I cannot read it.

Lol. Ever wonder why you’re a fucking failure and everyone else succeeds?